StatsHelix / demoinfo

A library to analyze CS:GO demos in C#
MIT License
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Realtime playback #2

Closed sKeLeTr0n closed 9 years ago

sKeLeTr0n commented 9 years ago

Hey, not really an Issue but whatever :P How can I know how many milliseconds I need to wait for the next tick, to play it in realtime? So how many milliseconds I need per tick? Do you know that?

sKeLeTr0n commented 9 years ago

"(_parser.Header.PlaybackTime * 1000) / _parser.Header.PlaybackFrames" is pretty close but I think that is not 100% realtime...and "_parser.TickRate" is way to fast.

moritzuehling commented 9 years ago


look into DemoParser.cs, lines 68-78:

public float TickRate
            get { return this.Header.PlaybackFrames / this.Header.PlaybackTime; }

        public float TickTime
            get { return this.Header.PlaybackTime / this.Header.PlaybackFrames; }

        public int CurrrentTick { get; private set; }
        public double CurrentTime { get; private set; }

CurrentTime is currently not set (that's a bug, I'll fix this tomorrow), but you can use CurrentTick.

1 Tick is TickTime Seconds long. You can use this to play a demo in Realtime.

A quick way to parse a demo in realtime: (This is an excerpt of an other project of me, I deleted some unnecesary stuff. But the important part is here.

        timeSinceLastFrame += elapsedGameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; //Okay, time has moved. 

            while (timeSinceLastFrame > parser.TickTime) //As long as we're in the future
                parser.ParseNextTick(); //Parse a tick
                timeSinceLastFrame -= parser.TickTime; //We're now parser.TickTime nearer to the future
        //Do something else, draw the stuff. 

elapsedGameTime is the time since the last call of the Update-Method.

This seems to be realtime at least for me.

I hope I could help!