StecStecStec / B-JAMM-Project

We are making the library project. Roster: Ben Gnielka, Jannic Föcker, Abdallah El Amri, Michal Stec, Melvin Grapengießer.
MIT License
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HWR OOP Lecture: Library Project by B-JAMM

This repository contains a student project created for an ongoing lecture on object-oriented programming with Java/Kotlin at HWR Berlin (summer term 2024).

:warning: This code is for educational purposes only. Do not rely on it!



  1. IDE of your choice (e.g. IntelliJ IDEA)
  2. JDK of choice installed (e.g. through IntelliJ IDEA)
  3. Maven installed (e.g. through IntelliJ IDEA)
  4. Git installed

Local Development

This project uses [Apache Maven][maven] as build tool.

To build from your shell (without an additional local installation of Maven), ensure that ./mvnw is executable:

chmod +x ./mvnw

I recommend not to dive into details about Maven at the beginning. Instead, you can use [just][just] to build the project. It reads the repositories justfile which maps simplified commands to corresponding sensible Maven calls.

With just installed, you can simply run this command to perform a build of this project and run all of its tests:

just build


(The main target in this project is to create a library management system in which visitors can borrow books.) (The most important features are: "borrow Book", "return Book" and "load Library") (State the most interesting problems you encountered during the project.)

Feature List

(For each feature implemented, add a row to the table!)

Number Feature Tests
1 borrow BorrowReturnTest
2 returnBook BorrowReturnTest
3 createNewLibrarian CreateInstancesTest
4 createNewRoom CreateInstancesTest
5 createNewShelf CreateInstancesTest
6 createNewVisitor CreateInstancesTest
7 addBookOnShelf AddRemoveBookShelfTest
8 removeBookOnShelf AddRemoveBookShelfTest
9 restoreBook CLIToolsTest
10 loadLibrary CSVAdapterTest
11 saveLibrary CSVAdapterTest
12 handleCLIQuery CLIToolsTest

Additional Dependencies

(For each additional dependency your project requires- Add an additional row to the table!)

Number Dependency Name Dependency Description Why is it necessary?
1 / / /