Steckdoose4711 / powerberry

MIT License
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πŸ”ŒπŸ‡ PowerBerry

:construction_worker: This Project is under construction at the moment. Releases will be done soon

Measures the current consumption of your house with a Raspberry Pi and visualizes it on a Grafana dashboard.

πŸ“ Raspberry Pi Deployment

Get going with pre-built images from the container registry

docker-compose -f docker-compose.ghcr.yml up -d

Or build a production container from scratch

docker-compose -f up -d --build

Undeploy all containers with

docker-compose down

πŸ’₯ Troubleshooting

Check the logs with

docker-compose logs -f

If you encounter errors like PermissionError: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted on Raspbian Buster, read this comment.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Local Development

Likewise, let compose bootstrap a development environment

docker-compose up -d --build

This will bind-mount ./powerberry-app and ./powerberry-dsp into the respective containers.
Moreover, a DSP container with a C++ toolchain is used without the app being compiled and run yet.

πŸ“ƒ Development Notes

Read to learn more about the cache data structure.

✏️ Configuration

Configuration is stored in config.json. Mount the folder that holds this file at the path specified by the CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

  "influx_host" : "powerberry-influx",      /* hostname of influxdb */
  "influx_port" : "8086",                   /* port of influxdb */
  "dsp_number_adc_devices" : "1",           /* number of used ADC chips [default: 1] */
  "dsp_number_channels_per_device" : "3",   /* number of used channels per ADC chip */
  "dsp_adc_reference_voltage_V" : "4.8",    /* reference voltage to convert ADC values to a voltage */
  "dsp_filter_type" : "median",             /* ADC sampling filter type ['median' or 'mean'] */
  "dsp_measurement_rate" : "3",             /* number of measurement points per ADC sample */
  "dsp_sampling_rate" : "100",              /* number of ADC samples per second, dictates data throughput to Redis */
  "app_voltage_reference" : "228.0"         /* assumed grid voltage */