Steel-Shadow /

Apache License 2.0
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Full User Manual



本地运行网页 (默认 localhost:4000 ):

bundle exec jekyll serve #包管理器运行
jekyll serve #直接本地运行

Development (Build From Source)

modify the theme, you will need Grunt. There are numbers of tasks you can find in the Gruntfile.js, includes minifing JavaScript, compiling .less to .css, adding banners to keep the Apache 2.0 license intact, watching for changes, etc.

Yes, they were inherited and are extremely old-fashioned. There is no modularization and transpilation, etc.

Critical Jekyll-related code are located in _include/ and _layouts/. Most of them are Liquid templates.

This theme uses the default code syntax highlighter of jekyll, Rouge, which is compatible with Pygments theme so just pick any pygments theme css (e.g. from here and replace the content of highlight.less.