This project allows the use of the Apache Tinkerpop Java API with the neo4j server using the BOLT protocol.
Add the Neo4j Apache Tinkerpop implementation to your project:
*Please check the Maven Central for the latest version available.
neo4j-gremlin-bolt and it's modules are licensed under the Apache License v 2.0.
The library supports an open architecture for element ID generation for new Vertices and Edges. The following element ID providers are supported out of the box:
// create id provider
Neo4JElementIdProvider<?> provider = new Neo4JNativeElementIdProvider();
instances.MATCH (n:Label) WHERE ID(n) = {id} RETURN n
CREATE (n:label{field1: value, ..., fieldN: valueN}) RETURN ID(n)
// create id provider
Neo4JElementIdProvider<?> provider = new DatabaseSequenceElementIdProvider(driver);
instances.CREATE (n:label{id: 1, field1: value, ..., fieldN: valueN})
MATCH (n:Label) WHERE = {id} RETURN n
// create driver instance
Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost", AuthTokens.basic("neo4j", "neo4j"));
// create id provider instances
vertexIdProvider = ...
edgeIdProvider = ...
// create graph instance
try (Graph graph = new Neo4JGraph(driver, databaseName, vertexIdProvider, edgeIdProvider)) {
// create graph instance
try (Graph graph = new Neo4JGraph(driver, databaseName, vertexIdProvider, edgeIdProvider)) {
// begin transaction
try (Transaction transaction = graph.tx()) {
// use Graph API to create, update and delete Vertices and Edges
// commit transaction
// create graph instance
try (Graph graph = new Neo4JGraph(driver, databaseName, vertexIdProvider, edgeIdProvider, false, "bookmark-1")) {
// begin transaction
try (Transaction transaction = graph.tx()) {
// use Graph API to create, update and delete Vertices and Edges
// commit transaction
// create graph instance
try (Graph graph = new Neo4JGraph(driver, databaseName, vertexIdProvider, edgeIdProvider, true, "bookmark-1")) {
// begin transaction
try (Transaction transaction = graph.tx()) {
// use Graph API to read Vertices and Edges
// commit transaction
Set logger INFO level to the package: com.steelbridgelabs.oss.neo4j.structure.summary
Enable profiler to the Graph instance.
// create graph instance
try (Neo4JGraph graph = new Neo4JGraph(driver, databaseName, vertexIdProvider, edgeIdProvider)) {
// enable profiler
The library will prefix CYPHER statements with the PROFILE clause dumping the output into the log file, example:
2016-08-26 23:19:42.226 INFO 98760 --- [-f6753a03391b-1] c.s.o.n.s.summary.ResultSummaryLogger : Profile for CYPHER statement: Statement{text='PROFILE MATCH (n:Person{id: {id}})-[r:HAS_ADDRESS]->(m) RETURN n, r, m', parameters={id: 1306984}}
| Operator + Estimated Rows + Rows + DB Hits + Variables |
| +ProduceResults | 0 | 1 | 0 | m, n, r |
| | +----------------+------+---------+-----------+
| +Expand(All) | 0 | 1 | 2 | m, n, r |
| | +----------------+------+---------+-----------+
| +Filter | 0 | 1 | 1 | n |
| | +----------------+------+---------+-----------+
| +NodeUniqueIndexSeek | 0 | 1 | 2 | n |
Create a new Vertex in the current graph
call the Graph.addVertex() method.
// create a vertex in current graph
Vertex vertex = graph.addVertex();
Create a new Vertex in the current graph
with property values:
// create a vertex in current graph with property values
Vertex vertex = graph.addVertex("name", "John", "age", 50);
Create a new Vertex in the current graph
with a Label:
// create a vertex in current graph with label
Vertex vertex1 = graph.addVertex("Person");
// create another vertex in current graph with label
Vertex vertex2 = graph.addVertex(T.label, "Company");
To compile the code and run all the unit tests:
mvn clean install
To run the Tinkerpop integration tests you need a running instance of the neo4j server. The easiest way to get one up and running is by using the official neo4j docker image:
docker run -d --name neo4j -p 7687:7687 -p 7474:7474 -e NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/neo4j123 -e NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT=yes neo4j:4.2-enterprise
And then execute the integration tests by running the following command:
mvn test -Pintegration-test