StefanSchippers / xschem_sky130

XSCHEM symbol libraries for the Google-Skywater 130nm process design kit.
Apache License 2.0
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issue in xschem and Ngspice using sky130 process #15

Open emfhasan opened 1 year ago

emfhasan commented 1 year ago

i have an issue when try to simulate the Reram-tb utilizing xscehm and ngspice. i encounter the following error when trying to simulate the reram and check the waveform uisng ngspice: % l_s_d(): Symbol not found: /home/schippes/share/xschem/xschem_library/devices/vsource.sym l_s_d(): Symbol not found: /home/schippes/share/xschem/xschem_library/devices/vsource.sym Hoever, the library for the reram is installed with other sky130 libraries in my local directory not the path given in the error message.

when I press on the voltage source and edit the path for vsource to be my local directory for vsource I got the following error:

Circuit: ** sch_path: /home/eda_work/eman/hassan/open_pdks/sources/xschem_sky130/sky130_tests/tb_reram.sch

Error on line 3 or its substitute: n1 top 0 sky130_fd_pr_reram__reram_model unknown device type - error The simulation interrupted due to an error!

Also, when cant get the Netlist for the design when I press the Create Netlist button?!.

I am totally new to this technology and I would appreciate your help. Thank you.

StefanSchippers commented 1 year ago

The vsource.sym is not a sky130 specific device, it is a generic SPICE voltage source. It is packaged with xschem. How did you install xschem? the recommended way to install xschem is to build from sources, using the repository here. If you installed the xschem from ubuntu app store please remove this installation since the packaged versions are too old (sudo apt purge xschem)

If you are new to all this please start from simple examples, the reram is the most difficult thing ever, and it is not yet fully functional due to a lot of various reasons:

The flow to use xschem with sky130 is the following, all from github repositories (sourceforge for ngspice):

All above details are explained in this xschem manual page:

When done create a new directory, copy the xschemrc template from the open_pdks installation and start xschem from within that directory.

mkdir test_sim
cd test_sim
cp .../share/pdk/sky130A/ .