StefanSchippers / xschem_sky130

XSCHEM symbol libraries for the Google-Skywater 130nm process design kit.
Apache License 2.0
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XSCHEM symbol libraries for the Google-Skywater 130nm process design kit.

If you use open_pdks it will install also the xschem libraries, so you don't need to clone this repository directly.

A step by step video shows how to boostrap a working environment for xschem + open_pdks + ngspice, that is, compile and install xschem, install the open_pdks files, and finally build the pre-master development branch of ngspice. For ngspice building refer to this old video, but follow only the instructions for ngspice, as the rest is superseeded by the xschem + open_pdks video.

Open_Pdks UPDATE

instead of manually installing skywater-pdk as explained in the video, follow the open_pdks install as shown here. This will (among other things) install all the spice models. Current xschem_sky130 examples now use the model file locations as installed by open_pdks

This repository contains:

Run xschem from this directory. It will read the xschemrc file to correctly set the search paths.
