StefanSchoof / vwidentity

The Unlicense
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Little go code to get a token for apis used by the myvolkswagen page. This is my first go code, so do not judge me to harsh.

To test create a vw.yaml with:

mail: <mail>
password: <password>

I run this on a raspbery pi with a working root mail, with ssmtp and a script in the cron.hourly:


DIR="<path to vw.yaml and space to store last run result>"

OLDRESULT=$(cat $DIR/oldresult)
RESULT=$(docker run -v $DIR/vw.yaml:/vwidentity/vw.yaml -it vwidentity | cut -c 21-)
if [ "$OLDRESULT" != "$RESULT" ]; then
    echo "$RESULT" > $DIR/oldresult
    echo "changed"
    echo "new"
    echo "$RESULT"
    echo "old"
    echo "$OLDRESULT"

This informs me on every change in the response.