SteffanDonal / BeatSaber-SaberTailor

A Beat Saber mod to customise the length of the sabers, as well as grip position/angle.
MIT License
3 stars 11 forks source link

Beat Saber - Saber Tailor v1.1.0

Tweak almost everything about your sabers, including length, grip, and trail length!

Edit your settings in \Beat Saber\UserData\modprefs.ini - they're reloaded every time you start or restart a song, so use that for adjusting the grip values!

The default values are below:


If the file / settings don't exist, run your game once after installing!


All config is reloaded every time a song starts - so you can easily adjust things at runtime just by modifying the modprefs.ini file.


Setting this to anything other than 1 will disable score submissions!

This setting is known to break many custom sabers, so use this at your own risk. A fix for this may be coming in the future!

Trail Toggle

Allows you to disable the saber trail entirely, when set to 0. This option does not disable score submission.

Trail Length

Adjusts the length of the trail on the saber. This option does not disable score submission.

Grip Position (Left + Right)

Order of axis: x, y, z

Alters the position of the left/right saber, relative to the default location. You cannot move the saber more than 50 centimetres away on any axis! This option does not disable score submission.

Grip Rotation (Left + Right)

Order of axis: rx, ry, rz

Alters the rotation of the sabers. The centre of rotation is where the saber's hitbox starts, which is just after the glowing line on the handle. This option does not disable score submission.