Stelios1908 / Resource-Managment-System-in-a-Hospital-Environment

MIT License
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Project Sammary

In this project I developed a resource management system in the hospital environment. By resources I mean human resources and equipment resources. For human resources in particular :

   •    Doctors
   •    Horses
   •    Patients 

The application was simulated in five rooms of the hospital. Each room includes a microcontroller that collects data from sensors installed in the room.Then through wireless communication it transmits this data to a microcontroller that acts as a concentrator.

Τracking is done with RFID readers at the entrances to each door and with passive cards or tags in the possession of shared resources

Foto from the maketa : viber_image_2024-05-13_18-43-00-515

photo of the image that the system user has



In the following pictures you can see the architecture of each room.Two architectures are preferred The difference is that we replace the two RFID readers with an RFID carpet



