StephShobiye / Hackathon2

JavaScript Hackathon
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Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock aims to provide a digital version of an intergenerationally popular game. While the primary audience is young children aged between 4 and 7 (KS1), it must also appeal to their parents as they would be the primary purchasers of such a game.

Responsive Mockup

Table of Contents


This website was made by a composition of different features. For the overall design of the game, vibrant colours were chosen with the purpose of creating a vivid, vibrant and captivating website.

Features Left to Implement


We completed a lot of the responsiveness and function testing as we went along. After a new feature was added to our project we would then run the site through dev tools checking different device sizes to ensure responsiveness and features were working as expected. We had a slight stuggle with the header, ensuring the words pushed down into imgs when on smaller devices. However after spending some time referring to the bootstrap wesbite we were able to accomplish what we set out.

  • Rules.html Validator result. An a tag inside the button was the simplest way to make a button a link so we decided to keep that HTML

    Rules HTML Validator
  • CSS

    CSS Validator
  • Javascript

    JSHint Output
  • Responsiveness Testing

    Index Size to 320px by 800px using Chrome Dev Tools Elements look good @ 320px by 800px Works as expected
    Index Size to 798px by 1024px using Chrome Dev Tools Elements look good @ 1920px by 1080px Works as expected
    Index Size to 1920px by 1080px using Chrome Dev Tools Elements look good @ 1920px by 1080px Works as expected
    Rules Size to 320px by 800px using Chrome Dev Tools Elements look good @ 320px by 800px Works as expected
    Rules Size to 798px by 1024px using Chrome Dev Tools Elements look good @ 1920px by 1080px Works as expected
    Rules Size to 1920px by 1080px using Chrome Dev Tools Elements look good @ 1920px by 1080px Works as expected

    For browser testing we used as well as our own devices. As we used emojis to keep to the child audience it come apprent some emojis were not cross browser compatable, our rock emoji would not work on Safari so we had to change it to a fist.

    Lighthouse Index Page Lighthouse Rules Page Lighthouse Rules Page

    User Experience Testing

    We asked two Maths teachers to test our project and obtained verbal feedback. They both responded that they liked the site and felt that it could be useful used in the right home or class context. They were content that the lesson plan was suitable for our target age range, and said that the game was visually appealing. Homework Quizz games based on calculating probabilties was suggested as a future feature. We also asked a group of parents and children of the target age range for their opinion. All said the game was easy to understand, fun to play, and that it worked on a variety of screen sizes.


    The UX design was made in balsamiq. See the wireframes here


    The live link can be found here -

