Scriptcase Scheduler
Scheduler for Scriptcase grid reports (in HTML or PDF format) where the results are stored or can be sent by mail automatically.
- Schedule any grid report with minimal modifications.
- Create a job, schedule it, and find the result in the Job Executed overview.
- Tested on Scriptcase version 9.10.0002 and PHP version 8.1.6 and mysql 5.7.29 (Not tested on older versions).
- Jobs: Create an additional WHERE clause.
- Schedule: Select a period during which the schedule is active, embed images, and send it to a mailing list.
Date: 27–12–2023 Updated: 29-1-2024
I developed this project to address the need for scheduling, allowing me to send reports to users or schedule tasks while keeping all development centrally within Scriptcase. The reports that are created combine all html elements in one file (pdf or html) to be able to be send via mail (it is using emogrifier)
It's essential to note that this scheduler only functions when the security is turned off for the respective grid you intend to schedule. Therefore, it should not be published in the standard production environment. I utilize Docker to create a separate instance where only the system, via crontab, can access these unprotected applications while being connected to the same database. Another option is to set up an extra protected environment for enhanced security. This is not an easy project to implement and requires insight in security risks when you want this published in production.
Warning: Do not expose unprotected applications on the web!
I use the crontab scheduler on Ubuntu Linux. For other environments, you will need to find alternatives to crontab (e.g., Task Scheduler on Windows).
I've provided a working functional setup based on Scriptcase's security example application, scheduling reports based on categories, products, and customers. It is running with MySQL.
Installation Steps:
*/5 * * * * sudo -u daemon /usr/bin/curl '' 2>&1 | logger -t 'blank_job_scheduler'
( every 5 minutes the scheduler checks if programs should be started. In this case you can not have a tasks scheduled at 12:01 but only right at the 5 minutes interval).
Making Your Grid available for scheduling
If have made the grids like grid_categories available for scheduling by changing the following:
1. Switch off security 2. Add to Events onApplicationInit: init_scheduled_full_report(); 3. Add to events onScriptInit: init_scheduled_report(); 4. Make internal libraries all available (In Programming internal libraries) 5. Generate applications
Add Job
Add Job Schedule
Executed Scheduled Jobs
Settings Job Scheduler Please go through the list and change all the settings where set Parameter starts with sc_api and Set Value mentions CHANGETHIS
Mail List Scheduler
Start Job Scheduler one time For testing purposes
Encountering problems ? Check the following
Many Thanks to all opensource contribitors on github like
Peppeocchi for php-cron-scheduler
Sivaschenko for cron-utility
Pelago for emogrifier