StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken / wixel-xDrip

Allow a wixel to function as Dexcom Reciever
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Buffer missed packets #10

Open saercnap opened 9 years ago

saercnap commented 9 years ago

It'd be nice to improve the wixel->bt->phone comms to buffer dexcom packets that are received by the wixel, but missed by the phone.

StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken commented 9 years ago

You mean to store them locally on the wixel? Unfortunately it has SUPER limited space, (the pr I have up (dont use it its bad) was rough because there was not enough space for it to store all the variables, I know @LorelaiL is storing data in her bt module but has also hit a limit there (though its definitely larger than the wixel). I picked up an spi to microsd breakout but honestly I worry about the system becoming very complex to set up.

Do you know of any easy storage options?

LoriLori commented 9 years ago

Wixel has 4kB ram, 3kB is free. It should be much easier then what I am doing in BT chip. Just build a protocol to fetch the data.
You can find how much is free in .mem file of your wixel app directory after building it. Name Start End Size Max
EXTERNAL RAM 0xf000 0xf492 977 3840

StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken commented 9 years ago

Cool! Thanks @LorelaiL , Looks like I need to set up some getters and setters, (eww)! Today Im hoping on having the wixel ask the phone for the transmitter id and if it should be on usb or if it can turn it off. Hopefully I can get that done! Should make things much more accessible for everyone!

saercnap commented 9 years ago

How about something like this:

brownedon commented 8 years ago

Thanks LorelaiL, I've always wondered what caused the PSEG compile error. Big issue is the unsigned char arrays, and the PAGED EXT. RAM with a capacity of 256, which is almost fully consumed.