StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken / wixel-xDrip

Allow a wixel to function as Dexcom Reciever
47 stars 117 forks source link

xDrip for Wixel

What is it?

This project can be loaded onto a wixel, it will catch the wireless signals sent from a dexcom transmitter, read, break up the different parts, and then send it using UART so it can be retransmitted through Bluetooth

How do I use it?

Its easy!


The wixel will transmit the data out over uart using pins p1_6 and p1_7 at a baud rate of 9600, feel free to change that in the code if you need.


Adrien De Croy for writing most of this for his Dexterity Prject!

Lorelai for pointing me to all of these great resources and then also allowing me to use large portions of her code.

John Stevens for further improving on Adrians code, which I also then used!!

Wow.. Im begining to think I didnt do anything other than copy and paste these peoples works...

Don Brown over at dexwatch for initially pointing out that this is a possibility to me!

Ben West, John Costik and Scott Leibrand their awesome work with Nightscout and various other projects!

And all the other awesome people that helped me out and contributed to awesome projects like NightScout