SteveBenton6 / love-running

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My Love Running Site

Welcome to my Love Running website in GitHub!

This website was built as part of the learning material for Code Institute's Fullstack Web Developer program.

You can check out the website here.

Project Description

This site was created as a mobile first site to publicise love running and to secure new members. The site has three pages to demonstrate navigation, text and image presentation and the use of forms. With responsiveness included to optimise use on different screen size devices.


This site was created using HTML and CSS on Gitpod. It also includes favicon and Font Awesome icons. Together with much practice using git to manage code versions.


The site was tested live to check obvious links and responsiveness. The W3C HTML and CSS code checkers were usesd to check the code copied over from the live site (using Dev Tools in Chrome).


Code Institute Code Institute LMS and templates.