SteveEasley / pyjvcprojector

A python library for controlling a JVC Projector over a network connection.
MIT License
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A python library for controlling a JVC Projector over a network connection.


Convenience functions:

Send remote control codes

A wrapper for calling JvcProjector::op(f"RC{code}")

Send raw command codes


pip install pyjvcprojector


import asyncio

from jvcprojector.projector import JvcProjector
from jvcprojector import const

async def main():
    jp = JvcProjector("")
    await jp.connect()

    print("Projector info:")
    print(await jp.get_info())

    if await jp.get_power() != const.ON:
        await jp.power_on()
        print("Waiting for projector to warmup...")
        while await jp.get_power() != const.ON:
            await asyncio.sleep(3)

    print("Current state:")
    print(await jp.get_state())

    # Example sending remote code
    print("Showing info window")
    await jp.remote(const.REMOTE_INFO)
    await asyncio.sleep(5)

    print("Hiding info window")
    await jp.remote(const.REMOTE_BACK)

    # Example sending reference command (reads value from function)
    print("Picture mode info:")
    print(await jp.ref("PMPM"))

    # Example sending operation command (writes value to function)
    # await jp.ref("PMPM01")  # Sets picture mode to Film

    await jp.disconnect()