StevenClontz / checkit

Platform for authoring free and open randomized exercises for practice and assessment.
MIT License
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CheckIt Platform

A platform for authoring free and open randomized exercises for practice and assessment. Includes the Python/Sagemath CheckIt Dashboard for authoring and generating random exercises, and the TypeScript CheckIt Viewer for publishing exercise banks online.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade checkit-dashboard

Homepage at

Documentation for authors and developers is available in the wiki on GitHub.

Package Development


Development uses pyenv:

with pyenv-virtualenv:

Run the following, replacing PYTHON_VERSION with the version defined in the platform/src/checkit/static/PYTHON_VERSION file.

pyenv install PYTHON_VERSION
pyenv virtualenv PYTHON_VERSION checkit

The virtual environment for this project can be activated automatically in directories with a .python-version file with the contents checkit by following instructions at Or use pyenv activate checkit and pyenv deactivate to do this manually.

Now to install the in-development package into the virtual environment.

pyenv virtualenvs # should show `* checkit` (note the `*`)
python -V # should show value of PYTHON_VERSION
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -e dashboard[dev]

To enable this virtual environment for use as a Jupyter kernel for the dashboard:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name=checkit --display-name "CheckIt Platform"

Build & deploy package

Make sure versions are set as intended! Then...

cd dashboard
rm -rf dist/*
python -m build
python -m twine upload dist/*

Updating docs

Just python