Stevendeo / Pilat

Invariant generator for polynomial loops
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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This package contains PILAT, the Frama-C plugin for generating loop invariant. If you have no clue of what is Frama-C, please visit

This tool is based on the results of the article "Polynomial invariants by linear algebra", available at

Please consult file INSTALL for details about the installation procedure of Frama-C.


Pilat is a part of the Frama-C platform, i.e. it is one of its options. To activate it, just type :

frama-c your_file.c -pilat

This will generate by default the "whole_program_annot.c" file with degree 2 invariants written in ACSL, the specification language used by Frama-C plugins. You can select any degree by using the option -pilat-degree.

Most options of the form '-pilat-option-name' and without any parameter have an opposite with the name '-pilat-no-option-name'.

Most options of the form '-option-name' and without any parameter have an opposite with the name '-no-option-name'.

Options taking a string as argument should preferably be written -option-name="argument".


-pilat when on, generates polynomial invariants for each solvable loop of the program (opposite option is -no-pilat) -pilat-const-name sets the name of the constants used in invariants (default PILAT) -pilat-degree sets the maximum degree of the invariants (default : 2) -pilat-ev sets the maximal eigenvalue searched for when using zarith -pilat-optim-epsilon Tolerance of error during optimization (default 0.05) -pilat-optim-iters sets the maximal number of iterations performed during the optimisation (default 10) -pilat-optim-start sets the initial value of k during the optimisation (default 50) -pilat-output specifies generated file name for annotated C code -pilat-prove when on, tries to prove already existing loop invariants (opposite option is -pilat-no-prove) -pilat-vars specifies which variables will be analyzed. -pilat-z when on, uses zarith library. Recommended if searching for integer relations but depreciated when searching for floating point relations. (set by default, opposite option is -pilat-no-z)