Stexinator / TheWitcherTRPG

FoundryVTT The witcher trpg system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Diseased Status effects #139

Closed Siryphas closed 2 weeks ago

Siryphas commented 2 weeks ago

Disease (Witcher's Journal, pg. 13) A character that has the Disease condition takes a -2 to all actions, lowers it’s maximum Stamina by one quarter, and must make DC: 14 Endurance checks at the discretion of the Game Master or suffer from the Nausea condition. The Disease condition can only be removed by having a Doctor roll a Healing Hands check (DC: 15) on the affected character and then that character getting a full night’s rest.

Fear Not explicitly outlined in the game rules, but many creatures have immunities. The only place I could find rules for Fear was in Tome of Chaos, pg. 74 - Fear Aura. Fear causes a -2 to all actions made against you.

I saw Frightened has been added already.