Stexinator / TheWitcherTRPG

FoundryVTT The witcher trpg system
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Linking Global Modifier Items to Spells via drag and drop #152

Open Siryphas opened 5 days ago

Siryphas commented 5 days ago

I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but I've been working on adding Global Modifiers for Spells like Blemish and Glamour, so that when a character casts it, the Global Modifier is added, but the Spell Item doesn't seem to accept the Global Modifier Item if it's dragged onto the sheet. Is this a bug, or is the feature not implemented? If it's not implemented, then how do I make use of the Global Modifier sections at the bottom of the Spell Item page?

Stexinator commented 5 days ago

Currently it works with name matching. So currently you simply write the name into it

Siryphas commented 5 days ago

How does this work precisely? Does it need to be in a certain Compendium or Folder? Or already in the PC's sheet?

pedroaugustobt commented 5 days ago

How does this work precisely? Does it need to be in a certain Compendium or Folder? Or already in the PC's sheet?

Yes, it needs to be in the Global Modifiers & Conditions compendium, you create your effect within this compendium and attach the name of the effect to your spell, when you use it it will go to the character sheet that used it.