StoneLineDevTeam / UMod

GMod replacement project - Sandbox game based on Unreal Engine
BSD 4-Clause "Original" or "Old" License
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Those are a few bugs that I'll try to fix #12

Open Yuri6037 opened 8 years ago

Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago
Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago

First issue can't realy be fixed without loosing quality on physics simulation or on particle system update. Basicaly it's linked to the constant send of infos about the new positions/rotations. It's part of physics simulation syncronization.

Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago

Rectification I believe there is a way to fix those issues without loosing physics simulation quality and maybe even increasing quality : Set Physics Angular Velocity, Set Physics Linear Velocity, Get Velocity and finaly Get Physics Angular Velocity. Those are all BP nodes I just need to find a workarround to call them from C++.

Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago

Issue number 5 should be fixed however after testing in multiplayer, I noticed none of the replicated vars are actualy replicated !

Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago

Ok I have my idea for the variable replication issue : using RPCs instead of simple variable replication.

Maybe even using RPC will make NWVars easier and more reliable...

Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago

There is something unknown ! Something I can't explain, lua started to work again like that, after commenting, uncommenting, again and again the whole lua file, it finished by working, I did not understand what happened !

I belive Lua compilation process was failing without any reasons...

Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago

Error 7 is now fixed (Just forgot to add Contruct() the EntityOverlapTest so it can start replicating model).

Yuri6037 commented 7 years ago

4 should be permanently fixed in my local branch : I removed EVERY loading points of LuaEngine which cancels loading of LuaInterface which then no longer requires the lua dll. I also changed the way Lua libs were linked with the compiler (as in a future version lua libs may be dynamically linked directly from ThirdParty path.

I even tested running the editor without the DLL inside Binarries and I had no crashes at all...

Yuri6037 commented 7 years ago

14 is fixed on my local repo.

18 is most likely related to livebox firewall problem (can't check that, my livebox menu is complicated like hell : welcome to orange world...)

15 should also be fixed in my local branch just added a FUModPlatformUtils.DisableWindowResize(void * Handle) inside UModGameEngine.

16 should also be fixed in my local repo.