StoneLineDevTeam / UMod

GMod replacement project - Sandbox game based on Unreal Engine
BSD 4-Clause "Original" or "Old" License
16 stars 9 forks source link

Update 21/12/2018

UMod as an Unreal game is stopped not the idea of the project.

The project is coming back however it takes a lot more time than I expected.

Also I'm student now, which means I have less time than before for own projects. Anyways if you are interested in knowing what were the reasons of the shutdown, well it is related to the support UE4 have when it comes Modability in the way I expect for this project, the Unix based platforms support of Unreal, and other various components.

Indeed I started 2 years ago a replacement Engine designed for this project.

If you are interested in helping the new project going through, I suggest you take a look at the new github organisation for it :

UMod Alpha

WARNING !! Use this command on your git otherwise you may run into large issues :

"git config --global core.autocrlf input" !



- Add runtime cached font support for URender2D::GetTextSize()
- Add command system
- Fix lua always bugging with tables in C API

For .uproject file associations errors

Go in your Epic Games folder/Launcher/Engine/Binaries/Win64. Then open CMD as administrator in that folder, then type : UnrealVersionSelector.exe /fileassociations

This is the official repository for the UMod project. Yuri6037 and me (SuperPlayer) are playing Garry's Mod. But with the time we got upset about the limitations source engine has. We decided that we want to try to create a completely new sandbox game. As an engine we choosed unreal.

We are currently at branch Alpha, this branch will be set as default.

Our plans are to add LUA as the engine laguage because its easy and pretty powerful. Due to the fact that we are just two coders and that we are just humans, we are going to need a team.

We are open for any kind of suggestions and help. Currently we are looking for people with one or more of the following requirement:




We want YOU! So contact us if you would like to participate!

Current developers:
