StoneLineDevTeam / UMod

GMod replacement project - Sandbox game based on Unreal Engine
BSD 4-Clause "Original" or "Old" License
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Moved models to a new folder, 1x2 Prop Triangle #4

Closed DatCaptainHorse closed 8 years ago

DatCaptainHorse commented 8 years ago

Moving models into their separate folders, by Creator and Set would make them organized.

1x2 size Triangle Prop, may be bit off.

Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago

Well for the moment I'll rest with the current organisation. The problem with your pull request is your file names, please use the file naming style I use here. Those file names will be reproduced in game by the spawn menu in the future.

DatCaptainHorse commented 8 years ago

So, how do I translate.. for example: Prop_Square_1x1 to Yuri name format?

Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago

Well the names you're using should use _ instead of space or -.

After, I'll wrap all inside a folder containing your name. But you have to know that currently I can't do much, I'm still in weapon system so you'll need to wait until weapon system is done. I'm indeed trying to add a physic gun. And for the moment it's realy complicated because all parenting methods of unreal engine are broken and I have no control over PhysX ! Unreal don't even give an access to toggle gravity or even scale gravity.

Yuri6037 commented 8 years ago

Content stuff is in wait as I plan to re-organize again all the content. And the StarterContent will probably be removed after I will have done some usefull classes/particles systems/other content