StoneworksMC / War

Community interface for the new war plugin. Contribute and suggest your ideas!
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Welcome to the StoneWorks War ideas repository.

Here we will allow all players to submit their suggestions and discuss them, weighing up the pros and cons yourself. We want the war plugin to be enjoyed by all, so hearing all your suggestions out is important to us.

How to submit a suggestion - Head to the **Issues** page, and submit a new issue. - Create a relevant title for your suggestion. - Fill in the sections provided with proper english. - Hit submit! **Do not cram multiple suggestions into a single suggestions post** We'll let anyone make comments on your suggestions in order to see if people like the idea :)

Current plans

We plan to have wars divide into 3 different types. The type of war will be decided by the size of the town/nation that you are declaring on. We will automatically allocate sessions for you to fight in, with preperation breaks inbetween, as well as before the war begins.

Multiple KOTH

The Multi-KOTH war will split the defending town into multiple sections that the attacking leader can mark for attack. Once a battle session begins and a section is elected, you will fight for territory control in that area. Defenders must keep control of the area while attackers try to hold it for as long as possible. Kills contribute to points but are not the main focus of this war type, so will not as important as the territory control.

The Multi-KOTH gamemode will be for large towns and/or nations.

Single KOTH

A single KOTH event over a longer period of time than the smaller ones. Fight for territory control and keep it. Pretty straight forward. Kills are not the main focus and will not contribute as much as territory control. Defenders must make sure they keep control of their land.

The Single KOTH gamemode will be for small/medium towns.


Kill based point system. Kills will contribute to winning the war and are absolutely the main focus. No BS, just PvP. This gamemode will last for a similar amount of time to single KOTH.

The Battle gamemode will be for small/medium towns.

Further information

If you die in battle then your angel chest can only be opened by allies or opposition. Rats will not be able to take your loot and run away. (Prevent outsiders from stealing your loot and running off) After 5 minutes the angel chest can be claimed by anyone.

War progress can be tracked via an in-game war GUI. The "leader" of a side can use this to organize and schedule/decide strategies (optional).


No plans are absolutely final, this is the general idea of what we currently have in mind.

If you wish to comment on anything use the issues tab, suggestions and critisism is absolutely welcome and endorsed.