StoryMaker / storymaker

Android mobile app. Make your story great.
GNU General Public License v2.0
70 stars 49 forks source link

Story Maker - Make your story great.

Download StoryMaker - Video, Audio & Photo in the the Google Play Store.

Setting up Development Environment

Prerequisites: .

Follow these steps to setup your dev environment:

  1. Clone the git repo, make sure you fork first if you intend to commit

  2. Init and update git submodules

    $ git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Ensure NDK_BASE env variable is set to the location of your NDK, example:

    $ export NDK_BASE=/path/to/android-ndk
  4. Build android-ffmpeg

    $ cd external/android-ffmpeg-java/external/android-ffmpeg/
    $ ./
  5. Create SecureSHaredLib third party credentials file

    vim ./external/SecureShareLib/SecureShareUILibrary/res/values/credentials.xml

    Add the following contents:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <!-- insert your own keys from: -->
        <string name="flickr_key">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_KEY</string>
        <string name="flickr_secret">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_KEY</string>
        <!-- insert your own keys following: -->
        <string name="google_client_id">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_ID</string>
        <string name="google_client_secret">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SECRET</string>
        <string name="google_app_name">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_APP_NAME</string>
        <string name="s3_key">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_APP_NAME</string>
        <string name="s3_secret">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_APP_NAME</string>
        <string name="s3_bucket">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_APP_NAME</string>
        <string name="s3_path_prefix">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_APP_NAME</string>
        <string name="sm_key">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SM_KEY</string>
        <string name="sm_secret">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_SM_SECRET</string>
        <string name="sm_tor_host">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TOR_HOST</string>
        <string name="sm_tor_port">REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TOR_PORT</string>
  6. Create Google Play Developer Account credentials file

    vim ./external/liger/lib/src/main/res/values/google_play.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <string name="base64_public_key">REPLACE WITH YOUR PUBLIC KEY</string>
        <string name="liger_salt">REPLACE WITH A STRING OF BYTES</string>

Android Studio Specific Steps

After completing all items under Prerequisites:

  1. File -> Import Project -> Point to the root project directory

  2. (optional) Build from the command line

    $ ./gradlew assembleDebug

How to update content packs

$ gedit storymaker/external/liger/lib/src/main/java/scal/io/liger/

./ generate ; ./ zip_one_content_pack beta 6 ./ generate ; ./ zip_one_content_pack citizen_journalism_pack 2

$ gedit external/liger/lib/src/main/assets/available_index.json

./ push_test_files beta 6 ./ push_test_files citizen_journalism_pack 2


We have a helper script "" that should run the core tests

There are several test classes you can also run manually:

Please note that you must build with the "testing" branch of the liger(storypath) submodule to run DownloadAndPatchTest. To do this, follow these steps:

$ cd external/liger/
$ git fetch origin testing:testing
$ git checkout testing

To return to the "master" branch of liger(storypath) for a normal build, do the following:

$ cd external/liger/
$ git checkout master

Eclipse Specific Steps

!! This is outdated and probably doesn't work anymore

After completing all items under Prerequisites:

  1. run script to update all libraries android support library. from command line run in the top level of the repo:

    $ scripts/
  2. Import dependancies into Eclipse

    Using the File->Import->Android->"Existing Android Code Into Workspace" option, import these projects in this order:

  3. Import the StoryMaker project from the app/ subfolder

  4. (optional) Build from the command line

    $ cd app/
    $ ./
    $ ant clean debug