Strambauer / Aux-N_8B3W

ISOBUS Aux-N input panel with 8 buttons and 3 rocker
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ISOBUS Aux-N input panel with 8 buttons and 3 rocker

Initialize the Submodules

git submodule update --init

Setup the Enviroment

It is recommanded to use a Ubuntu installation with Version 16. Version 18 is not recomanded becaus of a to new verson of xerces-c supplayed by the package manager. With the new Version vt2iso will not build. Another library you need to build vt2iso is boost.

You can get this two librarys by apt-get them

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev libxerces-c2-dev 

After installing the two libs you can build vt2ios

cd IsoAgLib/tools/vt2iso/cmake
cmake .

Now vt2iso should be ready to use.

Create the objectpool from xml-Files

To create the folowing call is needed from the projects home diroctory

IsoAgLib/tools/vt2iso/cmake/vt2iso project_data/VT/Aux-N_8B3W.vtp -o=project_data/object_pool/

Create the project files

cd project_data/project_config/

../../IsoAgLib/tools/project_generation/ conf_Aux-N_8B3W

Work with the Project

The created Project can be opend with QtCreator or cmake can be used to create it

To build the Project for the Raspberry Pi you have to setup QtCreater appropriate. A goot tutorial can be found here: For the Raspberry Pi 4 I had to use "linux-rasp-pi-g++" as device and have to deaktivat "wayland" in the build by adding "-skip wayland" in the configure step

After opening the Project the first time, when no build folder is there, my verison of QtCreator had some problems showing the source files. After compiling and reopening the project it worked for me.