This repository provides implementations for two core canisters in the Stratros.AI system:
These canisters work together to ensure decentralized, scalable, and verifiable data storage and confirmation processes.
The Storage Canister is designed to manage blob data in a decentralized manner. It supports segmented uploads for efficient use of storage and retrieval operations.
• Decentralized K-V storage system for blob data.
• Support for segmented uploads to optimize storage.
• Configurable parameters for storage thresholds and query response sizes.
/// Storage Canister
// Canister Blob Data Structure
struct Blob {
data: Vec<u8>, // The blob data
next: Option<usize>, // Index of the next slice, if applicable
/// Structure for uploading blob slices
/// This is used to manage large blobs by splitting them into smaller chunks.
struct BlobChunk {
index: usize, // Index of the current chunk
digest: [u8; 32], // SHA256 digest of the blob in hex format
timestamp: u128, // Timestamp in nanoseconds since epoch
total: usize, // Total size of the blob in bytes
data: Vec<u8>, // Chunk data (a part of the blob)
/// Storage Canister Configuration
struct Config {
signature_canister: Principal, // Principal allowed to upload to the canister
owner: Principal, // Owner responsible for confirmations and configurations
query_response_size: usize, // Query response size for blob retrieval
canister_storage_threshold: u32, // Number of blobs to store (e.g., over a 7-day period)
enum Result {
The Storage Canister provides the following services:
/// Retrieve the first slice of a blob by its digest
fn get_blob(digest: [u8; 32]) -> Blob {}
/// Retrieve a specific slice of a blob by its digest and slice index
fn get_blob_with_index(digest: [u8; 32], index: usize) -> Blob {}
/// Save a blob slice to the canister
fn save_blob(chunk: BlobChunk) -> Result<(), String> {}
The Signature Canister manages confirmations and generates threshold signatures. It uses a Merkle tree to organize and verify blob digests.
• Supports batch processing of blob digests.
• Implements Merkle trees for efficient verification and proof generation.
• Configurable confirmation retention period and batch sizes.
1. Batching: Blob digests are grouped into batches (e.g., 12 digests per batch, configurable).
2. Signature Generation: When a batch is complete, the Merkle root is signed.
3. Proof Generation: When requested, the canister generates a Merkle proof for a specific digest within a batch.
4. Confirmation Retention: Each batch confirmation is stored for a specified duration (e.g., one week, configurable).
/// Enum representing the status of a confirmation
enum ConfirmationStatus {
Pending, // Confirmation exists but is not yet signed
Confirmed(Confirmation), // Confirmation is signed and valid
Invalid, // The requested digest is invalid or retired
/// A confirmation containing proof, signature, and Merkle root
struct Confirmation {
pub root: [u8; 32], // Merkle root hash
pub proof: Proof, // Merkle proof for the digest
pub signature: String, // Hex-encoded signature of the Merkle root
/// Merkle proof for a specific digest
struct Proof {
pub proof_bytes: Vec<u8>, // Merkle proof in byte form
pub leaf_index: usize, // Index of the digest in the Merkle tree
pub leaf_digest: [u8; 32], // The digest being proven
/// Structure representing a batch of confirmations
struct BatchConfirmation {
pub signature: Option<String>, // Optional signature of the Merkle root
pub root: [u8; 32], // Merkle root hash
pub nodes: Vec<[u8; 32]>, // List of blob digests in the batch
/// Configuration for the Signature Canister
struct Config {
pub confirmation_batch_size: usize, // Number of digests in a batch
pub confirmation_live_time: u32, // Duration for which confirmations are retained (in seconds)
pub da_canisters: HashSet<Principal>, // Data availability (storage) canisters
pub owner: Principal, // Principal authorized to update configuration
The Signature Canister provides the following services:
/// Retrieve a confirmation by its digest
fn get_confirmation(digest: [u8; 32]) -> ConfirmationStatus {}
/// Retrieve the canister's public key
fn public_key() -> Vec<u8> {}
/// Insert a new blob digest into the confirmation system (restricted to storage canisters)
fn insert_digest(digest: [u8; 32]) {}
/// Update the configuration of the Signature Canister
fn update_config(config: Config) {}
1. Deploy the Canisters:
Set up and deploy the Storage Canister and Signature Canister on the Internet Computer.
2. Configure the Canisters:
Configure the Config for each canister, ensuring compatibility between the storage and signature systems.
3. Upload and Confirm Blobs:
Use the Storage Canister to upload blobs in chunks.
Use the Signature Canister to manage and verify blob confirmations.
4. Integrate with Your Application:
Use the provided services to integrate storage and confirmation features into your decentralized application.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow the guidelines below: • Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or bug fix. • Write clear and concise commit messages. • Ensure all changes pass tests and are well-documented.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.