StreamMeDev / scroll-to

Smoothly scroll somewhere
ISC License
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Scroll To

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Smoothly transition any element's scroll position along either axis.


$ npm install --save @streammedev/scroll-to


var scrollTo = require('@streammedev/scroll-to');

function someEventHandler () {
        element: window, // The element to scroll (default is window)
        y: 1000, // scroll the window to a y-coordinate of 1000px (default is 0)
        x: 1000, // scroll the window to a x-coordinate of 1000px (default is 0)
        duration: 500 // 500ms to complete the scrolling animation (default is 150)

// cancel an in progress animation
var stop = scrollTo();
// Will stop wherever it is in the process of the animation


This package follows semver, when you wish to publish a version run the proper npm command. For example, if we made a bug fix you can do this:

$ npm version patch
$ git push
$ npm publish

Here are the other types of version bumps:

For each of these you can run a 'pre' version by prepending to the command, ex npm version preminor.

All feature development should be done on a branch off master. When a feature is complete and the pull request approved, publish a 'pre' version of the package for testing across environments. To install that 'pre' version of the package do the following, where the verison number contains the correct 'pre' version:

$ npm install --save @streammedev/scroll-to@1.0.0-0

Running the tests:

$ npm install && npm test