Stremio / stremio-addon-client

Client library for using stremio addons (v3 protocol)
MIT License
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Client library for using stremio addons (v3 protocol). You can read the actual protocol here.

This can be used to make a UI to the stremio addons. It is currently used in the Stremio desktop app, mobile app and web app.


const client = require('stremio-addon-client')

NOTE: All functions here can either return a Promise or be given a callback(err, res)

client.detectFromURL(url) - detects whether a URL is an addon, collection or neither and constructs the given object

If it detects an add-on: { addon: AddonClientInstance }

If it detects a collection: { collection: { /* collection descriptor that can be loaded by colletion.load() */ } }

If it detects neither, it will throw an exception (or return an error if using a callback): errors.ERR_RESP_UNRECOGNIZED

Please note, this will apply the stremio-addon-linter to lint both add-ons and collections. If the linting fails, the err will contain lintResult property with the exact output from the linter.

client.fromDescriptor(descriptor) - returns an instance of AddonClient, from AddonDescriptor

Please note, descriptor must be a valid descriptor

Instance of AddonClient

addon.get(resource, type, id [, extra]) - call the add-on with the given args
addon.isSupported(resource, type, id) - returns true/false depending on whether this addon supports this call, according to the manifest
addon.manifest - the manifest of the add-on
addon.toDescriptor() - returns an AddonDescriptor

AddonClient Example

.then(function(resp) {
    // resp.addon is an instance of AddonClient
    return resp.addon.get('meta', 'movie', 'exmp:1')
.then(function(resp) {


let col = new client.AddonCollection()

col.getAddons() - get an array of all Add-ons, where each is an instance of AddonClient

col.load() - load from an object that describes all add-ons (format: [{ manifest, transportUrl, flags }], i.e. [AddonDescriptor]) - get the object that describes all add-ons (same format as col.load())

col.includes(addon) - returns boolean, whether the add-on is in the collection

col.add(addon) - adds an addon (AddonClient) to a collection

col.remove(addon) - removes an addon (AddonClient) from the collection

col.clone() - creates a clone of the collection

Universal save/load format ([AddonDescriptor])

The format of the .save() and .load() functions is widely used across Stremio to describe a collection of add-ons.

It can also be used to distribute collections of add-ons as JSON files amongst users - similar to the Kodi add-on repositories.

The format is [{ manifest, transportUrl, flags }] (also referred to as [AddonDescriptor]), where flags is ignored by Stremio if loading an untrusted collection.


manifest is a valid stremio addon v3 manifest

transportUrl is the URL to the add-on; the transport that will be used will be determined from this URL

flags is used when Stremio is loading a trusted collection (a built-in collection) to flag add-ons as official or protected


client.mapURL(URL1) (returns a string, URL2) is a function that will convert URL1 to a more browser-friendly URL2. This just means forcing HTTPS, and changing localhost to (CORS does not work on localhost). Since this is needed in a lot of places, we expose that function, and recommend that every URL obtained by user input is passed through it before becoming transportUrl

Internal APIs


let transport = new Transport(url)
transport.get(args, cb)


NOTE - you can synchronously construct instances of AddonClient by using the constructor directly: new AddonClient(manifest, transport, flags)