StrongResearch / isc-demos

Deep learning examples for the Instant Super Computer
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ISC Demos

Welcome to the Strong Compute Instant Super Computer (ISC) Demos repo, here you will find all the instructions you need to get set up to train Pytorch models on the Strong Compute ISC.

1. Getting started

1.1. Setting up the VPN

Before connecting to the Strong Compute ISC, you must have recieved login credentials from Strong Compute by email. Please reach out to us if you have not recieved this email.

1.1.1. For MacOS and Windows

  1. You will need to download and install WireGuard from
  2. Once you have WireGuard installed, visit the Strong Compute FireZone portal at the website advised in the email (above) and login with the credentials you receieved by email.
  3. In the FireZone portal, click "Add Device". You can give the configuration any name you like, if you do not provide a name for the configuration, FireZone will automatically generate one for you.
  4. Click on "Generate Configuration" and then "Download WireGuard Configuration" to download the tunnel config file. Save the tunnel config file somewhere suitable on your machine.
  5. Within the WireGuard application, select "Import Tunnel(s) from File" and select the tunnel config file from where you saved it.
  6. Ensure the VPN tunnel is enabled when accessing the Strong Compute ISC. When the VPN is correctly enabled you should be able to open a terminal, run ping and recieve 64 bytes from

1.1.2. For Linux

  1. You will need to download and install WireGuard from
  2. Once you have WireGuard installed, visit the Strong Compute FireZone portal at the website advised in the email (above) and login with the credentials you receieved by email.
  3. In the FireZone portal, click "Add Device". You can give the configuration any name you like, if you do not provide a name for the configuration, FireZone will automatically generate one for you.
  4. Click on "Generate Configuration" and then "Download WireGuard Configuration" to download the tunnel config file. Save the tunnel config file somewhere suitable on your machine.
  5. Within your terminal run the following commands (you will need sudo-level access):
    • Ensure the package manager is up-to-date with sudo apt update
    • Install WireGuard with sudo apt install -y wireguard
    • Open the WireGuard config file with sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
  6. In the WireGuard config file, delete or comment out the line starting with "DNS" (you can comment out by adding a # to the start of the line).
  7. Open the tunnel config file you downloaded from FireZone portal, copy and paste the contents of the tunnel config file into the WireGuard config file. Your WireGuard config file should look as follows.
# DNS =,

PrivateKey = <private-key>
Address = <ip address>
MTU = 1280

PresharedKey = <preshared-key>
PublicKey = <public-key>
AllowedIPs = <ip address>
Endpoint = <endpoint>
PersistentKeepalive = 15
  1. Save the updated WireGuard config file and close nano.
  2. Ensure the VPN tunnel is enabled when accessing the Strong Compute ISC. You can enable the VPN with sudo wg-quick up wg0 and disable with sudo wg-quick down wg0. When the VPN is correctly enabled you should be able to open a terminal, run ping and recieve 64 bytes from

1.2. Creating your ISC User and Organisation credentials

Now that you have your VPN correctly installed, configured, and enabled, we'll get you set up with a login to the ISC associated with your User and Organisation.

If you are the first person in your Organisation to register:

  1. Visit the Strong Compute Control Plane at, click on "Register", register with your email and choose a suitable password.
  2. Click on the menu at the top right of the page (labelled with your email and Organisation name) and click on "Organisations". On the "Your Organisations" page, click on the tile for your organisation. When you first register, your Organisation will be named "\<your email>'s Personal Organisation".
  3. From the "Organisation Settings" page you can update the name of your Organisation, view current members, and create invitations for other members to join. Note that Control Plane does not send emails to invitees. If you invite a member to join your Organisation, you will need to notify them that they have been invited and which email address their invitation is registered with.

If you are responding to an invitation to join an Organisation on Control Plane, continue from here:

  1. Visit the Strong Compute Control Plane at, click on "Register", register with your email and choose a suitable password.
  2. Click on the menu at the top right of the page (labelled with your email and Organisation name) and click on "Organisations".
  3. Your invitation will be visible on the Organisations page with options to Accept or Reject.

**Instructions for all users continue from here:***

  1. On Control Plane click on the menu at the top right of the page and click on "User Credentials".
  2. At the bottom of the page, click on "ADD SSH KEY".
  3. You will need a cryptographic key pair which you can generate by opening a terminal and running ssh-keygen. When prompted, provide a filename in which to save the key. You can also optionally enter a passphrase (or just press enter twice). This will generate two files containing your public and private keys. Your public key will be saved in the file ending in .pub.
  4. Open the file containing your public key. If you generated your keypair with the instruction above, the public key file should have a file extension of .pub. Copy the entire contents of this file and paste into the input field on Control Plane beneath "Public key contents", then click "SUBMIT NEW SSH PUBLIC KEY".
  5. Return to the Settings page on Control Plane and click on GENERATE under the heading Containers. Strong Compute User environments are accessed via Docker containers, and this will generate you a new base image. Once your container has been created, you will then see the button update to allow you to START your container.
  6. You will also see displayed a new ssh command which will include a specified port number and the login root@ which you can use to access your User environment. You may need to extend this ssh command to specify the private key to use as follows. If you submitted your public key saved at ~/.ssh/ then you should be able to ignore this requirement.
# If not submitted ~/.ssh/
ssh -p <port> root@ -i <path/to/your/private_key>

# If submitted ~/.ssh/
ssh -p <port> root@
  1. Note that your container must be started in order for you to connect to it via ssh, and a new port number will be assigned each time your container is stopped and started.
  2. Please ignore the Access Tokens section of the User Credentials page. This is deprecated and will be removed shortly.
  3. From the main page tabs, click on "Projects". All experiments launched on the ISC must be associated with one and only one ISC Project which is used for usage tracking and cost control. Click on "NEW PROJECT" and give your new ISC Project a name. You will also need the help of your Organisation Owner or Admins to ensure your Organisation has sufficient credits and that cost controls have been set to permit experiments to be launched under your new ISC Project.
  4. Open a terminal and enter the ssh command obtained above. Congratulations, you are all set to start running experiments on the ISC. Follow the next steps in this guide to configure and launch your first "hello world" experiment, and learn about necessary steps to make sure your experiment is "interruptible" (including what this means).

Note: Your environment is running in a Docker container. Your home directory is read/write mounted at /root. A shared directory accessible to all members of your Organisation is read/write mounted at /shared. You can install any software you require in your container which will be committed and pushed to our docker registry when you STOP your container and when you launch an experiment.

We recommend saving all working files (including virtual environments) to /root in order to minimise the size of your container, thus minimizing the start time for your container and the time to launch your experiments on the ISC.

2. Interruptible experiments

We will now explore and run some code to launch an experiment on the ISC. This example will demonstrate the principle and application of interruptibility, which will be important to consider when developing your experiments to run successfully on the ISC.

2.1. Rapid Cycling and Burst To Cloud

The ISC is comprised of a Rapid Cycling stage and a Burst To Cloud ("Burst") stage. Experiments launched on the ISC are run first in Rapid Cycling as a validation step before being Burst to the cloud. This provides Users with near-immediate feedback on the viability of their code before their experiment is launched in a dedicated cloud cluster and incurs costs.

Action: Run the following to see all of your historic experiments in the Experiments Table.

isc experiments

When you first register, this table will be empty. Each time you launch an experiment on the ISC, a record of that experiment will appear in this table. Only your experiments will be visible to you in this table. There may be other experiments scheduled to run on the ISC at the same time that will not be visible to you.

                               ISC Experiments                                                                                                                          
┃ ID     ┃ Name     ┃ NNodes    ┃ Output Path                                 ┃ Status        ┃
│        │          │           │                                             │               │

Experiments share time on the Rapid Cycling cluster by means of a queue which is cycled at fixed time intervals. The queue is comprised of two sub-queues, a rapid cycling queue and an interruptible queue.

When a new experiment is launched onto the Rapid Cycling cluster, it joins the rapid cycling queue. When it is this experiment's turn to run, its status will be recorded as running in the Experiments Table. It will run for 90 seconds and then will be paused and placed at the back of the rapid cycling queue, allowing the next experiment to run. Experiments in the rapid cycling queue cycle in this fashion until they have been run 5 times, and then are moved into the interruptible queue. Experiments in the interruptible queue are cycled when there are no experiments waiting in the rapid cycling queue, and are then considered ready to be scheduled for Burst.

If the experiment fails during any running cycle (for example if there was an error in the experiment code) then the experiment status will be recorded as failed in the Experiments Table and the experiment will be dropped from the queue it was in.

When an experiment is scheduled for Burst, a dedicated cluster will be created for the experiment in the cloud, and the experiment will be launched on this dedicated cluster to train. In case of cloud interruption (for example due to blackout or hardware failure), another dedicated cluster will be created and the experiment resumed on the new dedicated cluster.

The ability to abruptly interrupt experiments or "interruptibility" is crucial for the purpose of Rapid Cycling, pausing, and resuming. The main approach to achieve interruptibility is robust and frequent checkpointing which we will demonstrate with the example project that follows.

2.2. Hello World with Fashion MNIST

To follow this demonstration, first ensure you have cloned this repository in your home directory on the ISC.

The first step when commencing a new project on the ISC is to create and activate a virtual environment as follows.

cd ~
python3 -m virtualenv ~/.fashion
source ~/.fashion/bin/activate

Next we will clone this repo to access the example source code and navigate to the fashion_mnist subdirectory.

git clone

The isc-demos/fashion_mnist subdirectory contains the following files of interest.

  1. requirements.txt includes dependencies necessary for this specific demo, including the version of pytorch necessary for our project. Install these by running the following. Note, only Pytorch models are currently supported on the ISC and distributed training is coordinated using torchrun.

    cd ~/isc-demos/fashion_mnist
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Note the cycling_utils package among the installed dependencies. The cycling_utils package contains helpful functions and classes for achieving interruptibility in distributed training. Installing cycling_utils in editable mode will allow you to extend this package at any time with your own modules as needed without having to reinstall the package. Next navigate to the isc-demos repo directory and inspect the contents of the fashion_mnist subdirectory.

  2. includes commands for downloading the required dataset (Fashion MNIST). Run this with the following command to download the dataset to the fashion_mnist directory, from which it is available to the Rapid Cycling cluster. This will mean that this data is ready to go when the experiment is launched and no cycling time is wasted waiting for the data to download. Preparing your data ahead of time is an essential requirement for running experiments on the ISC and we will cover how to transfer your private dataset to our cloud storage for training in a later section.

    cd ~/isc-demos/fashion_mnist
    python -m prep_data
  3. includes a description of the neural network model that we will train.

  4. describes configuration for distributed training, initialisation, and distributed training loops. Take a few minutes to read and understand the contents of this file, there are lots of notes to explain what's happening. Reach out with any questions. Note that provides for command line arguments to be passed, we will see how when looking at the next file.

  5. fashion_mnist.isc is the ISC Config file necessary for launching this experiment on the isc. The key information included in the ISC Config file is as follows.

    • isc_project_id: The ID of the ISC Project created at Step 7 above.
    • experiment_name: This name will appear in the Experiments Table. Use this name to uniquely identify this experiment from your other experiments at a glance, for example by encoding hyper-parameters that you are testing.
    • gpu_type: The type of GPU that you are requesting for your experiment. At this time, the only supported gpu_type is 24GB VRAM GPU, so leave this unchanged.
    • nnodes: This is the number of nodes that you are requesting. Each node will have a number of GPUs. The Rapid Cycling cluster nodes each have 6 GPUs, and there are currently a maximum of 12 nodes available, so be sure to request between 1 and 12 nodes.
    • output_path: This is the directory where the outputs of your experiment will be saved, including reports from each node utilised by your experiment. It can be helpful to consider how you would like to structure your output(s) directory to keep your experiment results organised (i.e. subdirectories for experiment groups).
    • command: This is the CMD supplied when running your docker container. In this fashion_mnist example we demonstrate chaining the suitable instructions to run a torchrun command. We activate the virtual environment with source ~/.fashion/bin/activate and then launch torchrun with torchrun --nnodes=10 --nproc-per-node=6 .... When launching torchrun it is important to specify the torchrun --nnodes argument equal to the nnodes argument above.

After you have run (above) to pre-download the Fashion MNIST dataset, you can launch this experiment to train on the ISC using the following command.

cd ~/isc-demos/fashion_mnist
isc train fashion_mnist.isc
isc experiments # view a list of your experiments

When you launch an experiment, the ISC will commit and push your container to our private docker registry, and then run your container once on each node with the command provided in the .isc file.

You should recieve the response Success: Experiment created. Running isc experiments you should be able to see your experiment in the experiments table with the status enqueued. Other details about your experiment displayed include the following.

Refresh the Experiments Table periodically by running isc experiments. When you see your experiment transition from enqueued to running, navigate to the experiment output directory. You will find a number of rank_X.txt files, corresponding to each of the NNodes nodes requested for your experiment. You can thus verify that all requested nodes were initialised. Each rank_X.txt file should contain at least the following. By default, only the rank_0.txt file should contain anything more.
Setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable for each process to be 1 in default, to avoid your system being \
overloaded, please further tune the variable for optimal performance in your application as needed. 

Action: Open the rank_0.txt file and inspect the contents. Compare the outputs in this file with the reporting points within If there are errors in your code, the rank_X.txt files will be where to look to understand what has gone wrong and how to fix it.

You will also find a checkpoint.isc file saved in the experiment output directory. This is the checkpoint file that is regularly updated with the information necessary to resume your experiment after it is paused.

Lastly you will find a subdirectory called tb which contains tensorboard event logs. Refer to the file to understand where and how these event logs are created.

You can launch a tensorboard instance to track the training and performance metrics of the experiment with the following command Note: this assumes you are accessing the ISC from an IDE such as VSCode which does automatic port-forwarding. See below for instructions on how to view tensorboard when accessing the ISC from terminal without IDE). If you are accessing the ISC from a bare terminal, you will need to download your tensorboard logs to your local machine (e.g. using scp before launching your tensorboard.

tensorboard --logdir <Output Path from ISC Experiments table> --port <port>

Tensorboard will attempt to launch on a default port (typically 6006) if --port is not specified. You can then view the tensorboard at http://localhost:<port>/. Tensorboard recursively searches for tensorboard event logs in the directory passed after the --logdir flag, so it will discover the event logs in the /tb subdirectory.


Continue to track the progress of your experiment while it cycles by checking in on the rank_0.txt file and the tensorboard. You can also view the contents of the rank_0.txt file by visiting the Experiments tab on Control Plane ( and clicking on the Logs button, or cancel the experiment by clicking on the Cancel button.

Congratulations, you have successfully launched your first experiment on the ISC!

2.3. More examples

The following examples further demonstrate how to implement interruptibility in distributed training scripts using checkpointing, atomic saving, and stateful samplers.

These examples are being actively developed to achieve [1] interruptibility in distributed training, [2] verified completion of a full training run, and [3] achievement of benchmark performance published by others (where applicable). Each example published below is annotated with its degree of completion. Examples annotated with [0] are "coming soon".

Hello World

Title Description Model Status Link
Fashion MNIST Image classification CNN [3] isc-demos/fashion_mnist
CIFAR100 Image classification ResNet50 [2] isc-demos/cifar100-resnet50
Distributed Model Parallel TBC TBC [0]

pytorch-image-models (timm)


Title Description Model Status Link
resnet50 Image classification ResNet50 [2] isc-demos/pytorch-image-models
resnet152 Image classification ResNet152 [2] isc-demos/pytorch-image-models
efficientnet_b0 Image classification EfficientNet B0 [2] isc-demos/pytorch-image-models
efficientnet_b7 Image classification EfficientNet B7 [2] isc-demos/pytorch-image-models
efficientnetv2_s Image classification EfficientNetV2 S [2] isc-demos/pytorch-image-models
efficientnetv2_xl Image classification EfficientNetV2 XL [2] isc-demos/pytorch-image-models
vit_base_patch16_224 Image classification VIT Base Patch16 224 [2] isc-demos/pytorch-image-models
vit_large_patch16_224 Image classification VIT Large Patch16 224 [2] isc-demos/pytorch-image-models

Torchvision segmentation


Title Description Model Status Link
fcn_resnet101 Image segmentation ResNet101 [2] isc-demos/tv-segmentation
deeplabv3_mobilenet_v3_large Image segmentation MobileNetV3 Large [2] isc-demos/tv-segmentation

Torchvision detection


Title Description Model Status Link
maskrcnn_resnet101_fpn Object detection Mask RCNN (ResNet101 FPN) [2] isc-demos/tv-detection
retinanet_resnet101_fpn Object detection RetinaNet (ResNet101 FPN) [2] isc-demos/tv-detection



Title Description Model Status Link
detectron2 TBC Detectron2 [2] isc-demos/detectron2
detectron2_densepose TBC Detectron2 [2] isc-demos/detectron2/projects/densepose

Large Language Models (LLM)

Title Description Model Status Link
Llama2 LoRA Llama2 [0] isc-demos/llama2
Mistral TBC Mistral [0] isc-demos/mistral

3. Data Parallel Scaling

When scaling to more GPUs, it is important to consider the impact this will have on your model training.

One important thing to consider is the potential change in effective batch size.

effective_batch_size = n_gpus * batch_size_per_gpu

Two common approaches to this are as follows:

  1. Maintain the original learning rate as well as the original effective batch size

To achieve this, you would need to lower the batch size per GPU. For example, if you are scaling from 32 GPUs to 64, halve the batch size per GPU.

  1. Scale the original learning rate to the new increased effective batch size

With increased effective batch size there is an opportunity to increase the learning rate to take advantage of the more stable gradient. In general, experimentation is required to determine the optimal increased learning rate. In our experience, a good starting heuristic is to increase the learning rate by the square root of the ratio of the new effective batch size to the original effective batch size.

For example, when scaling from an effective batch size of 32 to 128, the suggested new learning rate can be calculated as follows.

new_learning_rate = sqrt(128/32) * original_learning_rate

4. Uploading your dataset

Strong Compute currently supports uploading private datasets 100GB or less in size from AWS S3 buckets.

  1. Visit the Datasets page on Control Plane (ensure you have selected the intended Organisation from the menu top-right) and click on New Dataset
  2. Complete the New Dataset form, including AWS S3 bucket name and credentials information, leave the format set to "small_unstructured", and click on Add Dataset.
  3. Returning to the Datasets page you will see your dataset registered on Control Plane. The status of the new dataset will report its progress through the preprocessing pipeline including Created indicating the dataset has been added to the web application, but has not yet been cached onto the ISC system, Caching indicating the dataset is currently being cached from S3 (this may take several minutes for larger S3 buckets), and Available indicating the dataset has been cached onto the ISC system, and can be accessed in training. Note the dataset_id for the new dataset for use in the next step.
  4. Edit your .isc file to include the additional field dataset_id="<dataset_id>". The ISC will mount your dataset read-only at /data/<contents-of-your-bucket> which your cont.

Note: All users within the Organisation that the Dataset was created under will be able to see the Dataset and access it in training. Currently datasets created in the above fashion are only accessible in training, not from your development environment.