Struggleton / TitleScreenBGM

A rust plugin for Smash Ultimate to play music on the title screen
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Play BGM on Title Screen

A rust plugin for Smash Ultimate to play music on the title screen



Download the latest version of this plugin and put the atmosphere folder on the root of the SD card. Make sure the CSK Collection plugin is also installed in the sd:/atmosphere/contents/01006A800016E000/romfs/skyline/plugins directory.


In the sd:/ultimate folder, create a file called config_title.toml (or the plugin will create one for you if it doesn't exist when the game starts.) Inside the toml file which can be opened in any text editor, write a line with the ui_bgm_id of the bgm you want to play.

Example (config_title.toml) - Plays "Classic: Final Results"

ui_bgm_id = "0x209cc21ee3"

Optionally, you can add a line for disable_timeout to the config_title.toml file to set whether or not the plugin should disable the title screen switching to "How to Play" and other cutscenes:

Example 2 (config_title.toml) - Plays "Super Mario: Rolling Hills A" and disables title screen switching

ui_bgm_id = "ui_bgm_aa05_mvdmin_rollinghills"
disable_timeout = true
