StrumentiResistenti / hivedump

Simple tool to dump hive tables metadata
GNU General Public License v2.0
6 stars 1 forks source link


Note that hivedump has been supeceeded by Bear:

Simple tool to dump hive tables metadata. It requires Perl and Getopts::Long module only.

$ ./hivedump -h

Usage: ./hivedump [options] > dump.hql

  --database=<db_name>  Specify the DB to export
  --all-databases       Export all databases
  --if-not-exists       Add "IF NOT EXISTS" after "CREATE TABLE"
  --drop-table          Add "DROP TABLE ...;" before "CREATE TABLE"
  --no-location         Suppress LOCATION clause
  --no-partition        Suppress PARTITION information
  --no-tblproperties    Suppress TBLPROPERTIES clause
  --no-stored-as        Suppress STORED AS clause
  --no-row-format       Suppress ROW FORMAT clause
  --help                Prints this information

hivedump must be able to execute the hive command. Future releases will address beeline as an alternative tool and authentication too.