StudienarbeitLarsPascal / LibraryEvaluation

Evaluating chess libraries for python for the purpose of developing a chess AI
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Test if "Rochade" & "En passant" etc. is recognized as legal move #6

Closed PascalSchroederDE closed 5 years ago

PascalSchroederDE commented 5 years ago

If moves are not recognized as legal moves, try to write a function which checks for legal en_passant / rochade etc. with functions like: board.has_legal_en_passant board.is_en_passant board.has_castling_rights board.is_kingside_castling board.is_queenside_castling [...] Retrieved from and python-chess documentation

larsdittert commented 5 years ago

SVG rendering: compute and visualize possible attacks (pawn, en passant)