StudienarbeitLarsPascal / LibraryEvaluation

Evaluating chess libraries for python for the purpose of developing a chess AI
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Evaluation of chess libraries for Python


This project is in the context of a study project for a scientific approach for developing a chess AI. Therefore we will evaluate needed technologies, realize our project and document our used technologies and theoretical backgrounds as well as the implementation itself. Finally we will evaluate our results on the basis of our defined requirements and criteria.

This repository serves the purpose of evaluating chess libraries for Python with the aim of developing a chess AI.

Therefore the necessary functions for the chess game should be tested with different scripts. They should be stored, so that they can be reused later if necessary.

Needed libraries

For completing all of our requirements, we need to find libraries for following purposes:

Thereby we will search such libraries and evaluate them for following purposes:

Chess Core:

Furthermore we will test how following actions / calculations could be realized using the specific library:

Opening strategy library:

(Optional) API or similiar:

(Optional) GUI library:

Of course, a good documentation of the used libraries would also be very welcomned

The current status of the driven tests can be found here


One python notebook will be created for every evaluated library. In those notebooks, all the necessary functions will be tested the belonging code snippets will be stored in it along with an explanation of the code as well as its purpose.

The different tests will be splitted between the development team. Therefore we will create Issued for every library and every purpose to test. Those issues will be organized with ZenHub. To use this everyone has to download the Browser extension for either Chrome or Firefox. As soon as the plugin is installed you can switch to the ZenHub Board of our repository.

After every necessary library is evaluated and for every purpose a way to implement it has been found, the main project of the development of a chess AI with python can be started as well as the theoretical elaboration of the used methods, scientific backgrounds and used technologies.