Studio-Lemon / wp-lemon-docs

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documenteren van customizer fields #10

Open Levdbas opened 3 months ago

Levdbas commented 3 months ago

 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage WP_Lemon\Child

namespace WP_Lemon\Child\Models;

 * Register customizer fields via native api.
 * @param object $wp_customize  The cutomizer object we are going to extend.
 * @return void
function customize_register($wp_customize)
         'title'       => esc_attr_x('United', 'Backend - Customizer section title', 'wp-lemon'),
         'priority'    => 50,
         'description' => esc_attr_x('Uited custom features.', 'Backend - Customizer section description', 'wp-lemon'),

         'validate_callback' => '',
         'sanitize_callback' => 'wp_kses_post',

         'label'       => _x('Address', 'Backend - Customizer field label', 'wp-lemon-child'),
         'section'     => 'uibt',
         'type'        => 'textarea',

   // add url customizer field
         'validate_callback' => '',
         'sanitize_callback' => 'esc_url_raw',

         'label'       => _x('Banking URL', 'Backend - Customizer field label', 'wp-lemon-child'),
         'section'     => 'uibt',
         'type'        => 'url',

         'validate_callback' => '',
         'sanitize_callback' => 'wp_kses_post',

         'label'       => _x('Disclaimer footer text', 'Backend - Customizer field label', 'wp-lemon-child'),
         'section'     => 'uibt',
         'type'        => 'textarea',

         'validate_callback' => '',
         'sanitize_callback' => 'wp_kses_post',

         'label'       => _x('Cookiebar text', 'Backend - Customizer field label', 'wp-lemon-child'),
         'section'     => 'uibt',
         'type'        => 'textarea',
add_action('customize_register', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\customize_register');
MeesMoons commented 1 month ago