Studio-Lemon / wp-lemon-docs

MIT License
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A illustration of file that is the @rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs logo

Gatsby Starter: Rocket Docs

Out of the box Gatsby Starter for creating documentation websites easily and quickly. With support for MDX, code highlight, Analytics, SEO and more 🔥 Using the theme: @rocketseat/gatsby-theme-docs

PRs welcome! License Follow @rocketseat

🚀 Features

⚡️ Getting started

  1. Create the website.

    npx gatsby new rocket-docs
  2. Start developing.

    cd rocket-docs
    gatsby develop
  3. Are you ready for launch?

    Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000

📄 Docs

Looking for docs? Check our live demo and documentation website.

Made with 💜 by Rocketseat :wave: check our community!