Stupidism / stupid-rc-starter

Hoc-style React Component Starter with storybook integrated
MIT License
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boilerplate component composable gh-pages higher-order-component hoc jest react snapshot-testing starter-kit storybook
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If you are here for the starter click above link
If you are here for the component library, this is it

Example Component: react-render-counter

RenderCounter is a tool component can be used in dev environment. It can tell you how many times each part of your component has been rendered.
This is composed with a HOC and a pure component to count render times
HOC is also useful when you want to track render times for your component.


yarn add --dev react-render-counter


npm install --save-dev react-render-counter


  1. RenderCounter - withRenderCount(Counter)
import RenderCounter from 'react-render-counter';

  <RenderCounter initialCount={0} />
  1. withRenderCount - High order component to provide data and logic
import { withRenderCount } from 'react-render-counter';

const MyCounter = ({ count }) => <div>{count + 1}</div>;

export default withRenderCount(MyCounter);
  1. Counter - Pure component to render count
import { Counter } from 'react-render-counter';

  <Counter count={1} /> 
  1. hocs - Some handy higher-order components.
    API of hocs
// MyComponent.js
import withFoo from 'react-render-counter/hocs/withFoo';

const MyComponent = () => <div />;

export default withFoo(MyComponent);
// MyHoc.js
import compose from 'recompose/compose';
import withFoo from 'react-render-counter/hocs/withFoo';
import withBar from 'react-render-counter/hocs/withBar';

export default (fooOptions, barOptions) => compose(


With storybook, things below are included in the site:


Copyright © 2017, Stupidism. Released under the MIT license.