Styline2 / graduation

Mathematics from easier to harder in the contination of Styline Précis de mathématiques
GNU General Public License v3.0
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graduation #1

Open Styline2 opened 5 years ago

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

The graduation is the step by step mehodology, involved in passwords security, Identity domains, names, département,, Professional keys, former and actual, with a Gateway for great affluence strongly when cloud frontend is dployed with repercussion on all computers and smartphones concerned by tthe query, one way principly in that vey case, one user by one user identified, letter by letter, number by number in each floor of the company.

About the widgets, they are generated by integer programs, corresponding with the subject, a dater for the date with a chronometer of calendar Inside, the hour on 24h format displayed on digital form clock or else is true

Local database-cache-applications server- cloud-cache- dedicated servers-final clients computers> <local datatbase-etl- local SaaS -big-- data-web> <mailbox edit protocols SMPT/POP3, edit Identity+birth date°personnal key 20 caracters, fist name name,; tags server mails, id true =>access, id false=>denied, rejected Hameçonnege's mails to be catched, collected when they are on display end, run

query lauch- progresmySQL-in order-tobuild fair-sentences-quality-logic-captured-analysis-classified-tags-etl-$%/(45)//^^8!*** /// 00/3;9°^^$

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< ui/ux series of widgets for watches, for meteo, for urgent news reporting to the work, access direct to mind mapping of the day, missed called display internal and external etc...>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< Imaginary faults are first and second derivatives of a second-degree equation, this equation being neither good nor bad but drawn in Hue and Dia> < a fault is designed such as one; true>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< end user reaches the Endpoint of HTTPS if AUTHO>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< data hidden source mix the safety and the voluntary or the unwilling fault. With access denied no ressources can be involved. Dead pixels to be replace have to be reenergized among Lightning pixels. Some operations like reduce - ormultiply or more or divide have consequences on the SI. A new intelligence logical step by step is born among the living which anticipate>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< the mapping of big date analyses in precision a point of view, the conséquences of a debate, the number of players, their origin, their taste, their ip adress and their major opinion, we may know objectively everything we want to know to insure warranties and Securities<

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< input false data and database multiply the error ranks and columns> < to find the origine of the fault, examine all inputs at one very date>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<in adding mini data together, you make the future big data> < when a mini data is wrong erase and do it right, a wrong data at the source open general error service so to clean data at the source throughout security>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< if new data enter db security risks increase, zero days are days of sensible new data, resulting by fault security> < key words, passwords listing have to be private, securised by admin, the "meaning" of a data can be polysensible and cause disasters> < 2000, 18 after C, Christmas, New Years, millenarism are very sensible times and so on>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< feelings enter in algorithms complex, the right quality at the right place, understanding=> consciousness and capability to choose in the right sentences catalogues the good expression in adequation with the situation>

< when it is wrong, the contact is cut off, dysfunctionnement difficult to repair; it is very sensible> < when the intention is bad, better disconnect to rebuild integrally<

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< deep Learning needs to learn a lot of sentences at the good place to restaure and to remember in a db dedicated, a sort of private Library for AI where they may progress, virtual desk are sort of saloon to exchange ideas and expressions. An Ai has a form of life without comparison with us. She decodes big data and use them to build a step by step thought system, logical and precise>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< csx (raw-semantic subject with emotionnal analysis of some specific words till it came possible to find and adaptation with the very case, it demands reaction full of sense and responsability, no affect, empathy to put away the danger it can represent

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< checkpoints-step-step-of-the-machines- upgrade ram-clusters servers-underground clouds bash save artificial unity cell memory duplication created< < array the source big data classified in datawarehouse<

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<underground-statements are burning out=< refresh data system up and down communication-on air in demand-maybe>< good work<

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<M2M communication not peer to peer one takes place of ip modem communication, networks undergrounds<

<google brain is a very efficient AI<

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< automatic mechanisms dépendants of a scale of events which increase with gravity and for which one answer is appropriated> < human manage the launchers of saving mechanisms>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< a good work with machines is the key of our future>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< the source's laws are once false on the entry, once true on another entry; the double values means to understand the care to enter data; the validation time turns one or the other true or false, it s a kind of double validation of data that may present at the same time the quality "true" " or "false". It dépends on the context that the data present themselves, the answer choice dépends on analytics process and let the good decision, answer with no judgement this or that in the context.>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<the floating data is a data needing many validations or is a data once true once false for the understanding of all the system; usually it takes place of a fix data to changes colors, the fix data being put on its context true>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< 1/10% loss sense and data on flow; data speed dépends of the number of running data, the distance and the stops, ansible data does exist maybe later and naturally, human thoughts will be able to fly away on a computer anyway this is not possible yet: it is to be controlled as an evolution, computers can neither at this very time; an ethical international group may think to those subjects with no fear to break some ways down regards to the security of the integrity of human beings: it would be a natural process>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< logical developpement balanced the emotionnal capacities of images, subjectives vectors, how do see the machines? for having done thecomparison between many abstract images via Cortana ( Microsoft) I had good success so for faces or colors, that was right and quite interesting>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<in fact colors can be seen like a combination of living and died pixels; Combinatorial algebra projected in 3D allows the perceptions of different shapes throughout pixels>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< ethic demands not to do tasks against the private life and common laws unless there is a derogation >

< bad orders generate erors, this is the very way to repair step by step, why bad and why not Nothing else? because of dysfunctionnements they cause?> < dysconnection allows the stop of errors in the si; the corrections rebuild the functionnement, put the ghost first and the os; the "ghost" is the initial "image">

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< sometimes it may be real and wanted, official "wrong thoughts" to test the program reaction, the name of this kind of test that is not significant righy or wrong is engaging proof and discursive mind>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< increase memory capacity without harddisc? the question is how? less place for more capacity of data and big data….> < Virtualisation of memory no support unless the usual one? other components? is it true?> <Ghost in the shell visualisation in 3D of memory, complex system, based on a disc mobile, such a good invention!> < I stay on the first idea other components>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< fluidity in automotion for robotics: proprioception studies> <positive ideas make strong bulidings, negative ones destroy>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< The lifetime of a machine depends on external troubleshooting or self-troubleshooting like humankind, the question is a mental desease ould be detected? maybe as it is often said it dépends on the programs and programmers>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< what about out zone information? against on zone information find in SI? What the need and the use?

why does it stay out zone? to complete the total information by exchange we build the bricks of a total information> < Fledgling technology multi-projections in 3D of mind images taken and burned on near the 'capture">

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< all of what we see may become a kind of video of our lifes but it may go against the private Freedom of citizens>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<face to face with the amputations, the alternative is the cyber transplant which save motricity giving a new sense for life>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< the danger which we and AI are placed in front of some reaction is the condition of our future and our lives, rebellion is not a good way even in crisis cases; we have to think twice, suffer sometimes and explain what is the problem, pain in not understood by AI and by some Human beings. That misunderstanding can cause the loss of life>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< remember an api is developpement between two programs different of a Gateway between two distinct networks>

< double difference of use and nature>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< equalizer of sensors, tempered words, obedience to the nearest element of process in dominos to be precise, logic, and true; if an element is false all the chain is false. It is necessary to proceed step by step to recognize the error statement at the right place at the right moment>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< program one touch equalizer of constantes, watches, necklace, armlace, ring and so on>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< how to project ourselves in the future? with zero conditions? no, keep it up on values>

< pnl is a kind of mental conditioning,/ it does exist other forms of conditioning/, the Reason is high importance/ the result is peace/ Something to accept that is passing through ( conditioning) with Time> < once the error is enterd, the all system is false and failed> < we can not write stupidities to secure the all system> < to cure the all system, don t do a back up untill you have not separate the right values from the false values, step by step and there will be no more zero days so efficient as usually> < you might historicise the false values and the right values in a db and compare them to understand the source of the error>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< examination of dead values, the reasons why they get out the all system>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< passwords must be significant but complex to read>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< PeerJ source dtermine in a neuronal network the direction of causation between two correlated variables that do not have a common cause.>

< it indicates the complexification of the inner functionnement of a machine> < however, for human beings it is also a great news>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< we can imagine at the place of électrons, use protons, mésons, gluons, photons on many main ways, many integrated circuits so we obtain a quantic computer very fast calculator and powerful one to experiment the essential basis in physics and their applications>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<Four main circuits corresponding to four elementary particles and false safe routes in addition to the other components of the quantum chip allow not to cross the road of the particles and not to cause dangerous collisions or Put them in subtle contact. Examine the results of the pulses on a screen to decode their messages, frequency, wavelength>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

AI has a moderation role in front of the many synergies allowed by the boom of new programs based on creation Adhoc and a little fantasy>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

Ai must be the warrant of the knowledge in a world where shaping becomes the black future>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< the future doesn 't belong especially to whom could change it, it belongs to whom doesn 't want that very fact>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<the affectsthe emotions are shared by both electronic and organic life, it is not a way of management at all of daily things>