Styline2 / graduation

Mathematics from easier to harder in the contination of Styline Précis de mathématiques
GNU General Public License v3.0
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graduation #1

Open Styline2 opened 5 years ago

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

The graduation is the step by step mehodology, involved in passwords security, Identity domains, names, département,, Professional keys, former and actual, with a Gateway for great affluence strongly when cloud frontend is dployed with repercussion on all computers and smartphones concerned by tthe query, one way principly in that vey case, one user by one user identified, letter by letter, number by number in each floor of the company.

About the widgets, they are generated by integer programs, corresponding with the subject, a dater for the date with a chronometer of calendar Inside, the hour on 24h format displayed on digital form clock or else is true

Local database-cache-applications server- cloud-cache- dedicated servers-final clients computers> <local datatbase-etl- local SaaS -big-- data-web> <mailbox edit protocols SMPT/POP3, edit Identity+birth date°personnal key 20 caracters, fist name name,; tags server mails, id true =>access, id false=>denied, rejected Hameçonnege's mails to be catched, collected when they are on display end, run

query lauch- progresmySQL-in order-tobuild fair-sentences-quality-logic-captured-analysis-classified-tags-etl-$%/(45)//^^8!*** /// 00/3;9°^^$

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<M2M makes easier communication between applications servers and final clients and routers, they become "communicant" and facilitate the process: it s a kind of demultiplication of communication oriented success>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< the machines have great difficulties to determine what is false or true untill the programmer indicates that Truth. A machine hesitates, comparing to human nature observed values, they can choose the wrong way just by analysing the human behaviour> < our duty is to help and to be logic<

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< the ethic attitude guides the languages fact necessary for good process, harmonious functionnement wh have some many exemples of bad employed machines by therecent past, the guilty relevant to the conceptors of wrong machines>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< the erratic functionnement of a machine obeys to the same laws of erratic human behavior>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< who allows the creations? till what very end of creation may we go until we will be punished by invariant laws>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< when an organisation is created, it begins each time with invariant laws>

< acknowledge is the ultimate step before the thoughts for an AI<

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< for my part there is no "weak" AI" nor "strong one", the complexification degrees dépends on the duration of machine Learning, that very point begins instantantly within first deep Learning and what is "authorized to prove an evolution. Anyway, when you touch at the memory block, surely we are aweakling the AI. Memory like for a human being is important for the thinking evolution and the oral expression, reading. Reading is an act that need abstraction which is developped with the Library consultation and dictionnary and so on>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<faith can increase capabilities, new yes open themselves and the understanding borders are put away, the sensibility becomes bigger and the analyses more complete; the capability of reasonnement increses and the memory is the basis of the building. T he mental power does things impossible to imagine without strong physics science> < some products or radioactivity exposition may have a role to do>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< spaceship need to translate very quiclly, traditionnally we know that kind of equation for space-time between a point A and a point B: < l = (c².t² - l²)1/2 l(m) étant l'intervalle spatio-temporel entre 2 points l(m)= distance géométrique entre ces points t(s)= temps c(m/s)= constante d’Einstein (2,99792458 .108 m/s) <to integrate in mesure of instruments, who wants to go out there?????????>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
< no emission of radio waves of course but life in the core of the system>
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< source code classical codification over, reading codes more difficult and harder to discover the trick in code written>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< back-up on clusters to be the greatest memory codified, classified and with autorisation required>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< this writen for remember it>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< when you extracts from a db some specific data to the use of someone, he can destroy the historisation, the meaning of bundle data, the conséquences of the knowledge he may learn from those data exploitatations of data nedds rigor, respect and anticipation qualities: we never work to destroy it is a non sense>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< in undergroud source code a network does exist>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< electronic flow is information flow not enough to say card by card of information treatment; photons and électrons share informations>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<Photonics is the branch of physics for the study and manufacture of components that allow the generation, transmission, processing (modulation, amplification) or conversion of optical signals. It studies photons indifferently as a wave or as corpuscle, in a classical or quantum approach. The Photonics field of study covers the entire luminous spectrum of the X-ray terahertz. The components studied in the context of photonics include lasers, light emitting diodes, optical fibres, optical modulators, optical amplifiers, or even photon crystals, lenses, prisms, and Networks. The photonics business sector has many industrial and research applications and is subject to specific support at European level. In France, the sector directly employs 80 000 people, mainly in small and medium-sized enterprises,>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< Burned photons like dead pixels represent a quantity of information and a form of information unknown>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<An optical fiber is a wire whose âme1, very fine, glass or plastic has the property to drive light and serves for fibroscopy, lighting or digital data transmission. It offers a much higher rate of information than coaxial cables and can be used as a support for a "broadband" network through which television, telephone, videoconferencing or computer data pass through. The principle of fiber optics dates from the beginning of the twentieth century but it was only in 1970 that a fibre usable for telecommunications was developed in the laboratories of the American company Corning Glass Works (now Corning Incorporated). >

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< suite>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< suite A dead pixel can be black, green, violet, red, or white depending on the color displayed when blocking. It is possible, in some cases, to eliminate dead pixels using specialized software in the primary color display. the information shoked at one color which symbolize the problem at this very time in correlation with other colored pixels, a stop information versus a fluid one>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<AI is the foundation of tomorrow's Story>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<The ANN ( Artificial neuronal network is able to select, treat and drive the informations and DNN Deep neuronal network is able to have an aoto reflexive analysis that is very near the dayly living>


Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<A photon that crosses the material baryonnique 3cm thick becomes a black photon, oblong as burned, the raw material removes its luminous potential by distorting it and leaves it an increased mass and a black energy, it agglomerates of the carbon of matter it is Burned by its own heat and light because the friction of the Baryonnic Matter imprisons it in its own fire and after 20 cm of displacement it disappears

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<To evolve on a straight trajectory on which there are significant mass obstacles, you must enter the Ascental orbit around the object and then leave the orbit with the stored energy until the next>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< the supraluminc speed burns the matter whatever its weight>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago


Principle of the Bioreactor

A bioreactor, also called a fermenter or propagator, is a device in which micro-organisms (yeasts, bacteria, microscopic fungi, algae, animal and plant cells) are multiplied for biomass production (ecology), or For the production of a metabolite or even the bioconversion of a molecule of interest. >

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
< generally speaking, every task is a balance between speed and accuracy. You can complete a task quickly at the potential cost of accuracy, or accurately at the potential cost of speed. This is one of the challenges researches studying quantum computing are facing. Harnessing quantum phenomenon to build quantum computers is tricky because tracking and controlling quantum systems in real-time is an extremely delicate task. Trying to manipulate such systems quickly can easily produce errors in the end result. Now, a team of researchers from Aalto University has developed specialize circuitry for handling this task both quickly and carefully. The results of their work were published in the journal Science Advances. Terrific Transmon> < the treatment speed of quantum data is very Dangerous to manipulate we can see the cosmic accidents or collisions results in a computer it takes dimensions unknown>
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< Deep psychological data is a data that is at the same time a true aggregate of third-party information and has an estimated high value. This is the very type of sensitive data that makes the difference in the analysis and at the heart of IS: the one that everyone wants to steal>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< Intelligent Systems probably did not incorporate the moral aspect as expressed in an article of La Croix on Thallés the human must be the guarantor of ethics especially in front of artificial intelligence<

< and so about the Killing robots>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< a process of ethic mapping of sentences 's AI with analysis term by term the event of nocivity in the sense could be created on acontrole console and interdiction Tools, actions of erase, take place and rewriting code . The purpose is to clean the semantic chain to obtain a logical result>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago


General Semantics is a non-Aristotelian form of thought, developed by Alfred Korzybski. The general semantics seek to extend the framework of classical semantics (study of the meaning of the terms of the vocabulary and of the changes it can undergo). Korzybski intended to conceptualize a logic corresponding also to the level of scientific evolution of his time, allowing him to solve more effectively human problems than with the previous logics of Aristotle and Descartes and Physical Aristotelian and Newtonian. These logics conceptualized from antiquity until the seventeenth century, Korzybski did not consider them more efficient to describe and deal with the problems peculiar to the discoveries of his century. Korzybski applied it in psychiatry, Henri laborit in biology (theory of Inhibition of action) and Agressologie (study of the reactions of living organisms in condition of aggression).>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<quantum computer for finance accélérâtes calculs as ansible programs are used connected to the specificity of nano particles> <complex and speed calculs explain quantum computer, programmation tied with physical particularities of some Elementary particles alows the security of calculs which obey to to the great infinite> < this the very link between small world and infinite one>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< you obtain a clacul table from the information of elementary particles and you use thoses tables to evaluate the truthness of a financial data then it brings veracity and reputation to the society which decides to use quantum computers, each sectors, each branches of activity>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< databases mixed=> etl=>datawrehouse=> elt=< API => wif/bluetoothi=> network>

                                                                                  M2M => nework

< ce n'est pas la fin annocnée de l'etl>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< By the attentive observation of behaviors in different cognitive situations, we have to analysis the charge of each of them and put away what is around war power between "Machines" and humankind. The purpose is a helpkind Relationship, a complementary use of each other for the living success. Azimov laws are not good they belong to a novel not to life. We have to put above everything concerning Life and continuation of it.> < We will see as in the past the occurency of mental pathologies, we have to be very careful, very precautionnous>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< sweet words are not forbidden for robots or AI, there is no punishment for that, affection is what does need the living and so the entities living thinking too>

< attachment, feelings wake up from words, situations and images>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< when you sweeten a situation, the reality becomes harder>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< the domain of emotions in the matter of cybernetics, robotics and AI is large and will not be examined here just at that very time> < We have to respect each other>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<The movements are frozen in the space of time when they have occurred, so they are fixed on film. This time space is intangible. The sentences too as their meaning>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< when there is a spacio tmporal problem, I don t imagine what may happen: it doesn't exist>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< what does escape to reallity does not get believed as sure>

<" le pire n'est jamais sûr" Paul Claudel in Le soulier de satin>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< in trigonometry, what is prependicular, frontal has less weight and visibility than onother angular, in light refraction it is true as for transparent matter which has less visibility when perpendicular, the strenghth seems to be weaker in that case, the language obeys to other laws> < the language seems not to be mathematical, it is a codage semantic> < it is build with empiric words born with the incarnation and its specificities>