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Load CellMarker data #108

Open andrewsu opened 5 years ago

andrewsu commented 5 years ago


Title: CellMarker: a manually curated resource of cell markers in human and mouse


Data download:

speciesType tissueType  UberonOntologyID    cancerType  cellType    cellName    CellOntologyID  cellMarker  geneSymbol  geneID  proteinName proteinID   markerResource  PMID    Company
Human   Kidney  UBERON_0002113  Normal  Normal cell Proximal tubular cell   NA  Intestinal Alkaline Phosphatase ALPI    248 PPBI    P09923  Experiment  9263997 NA
Human   Liver   UBERON_0002107  Normal  Normal cell Ito cell (hepatic stellate cell)    CL_0000632  Synaptophysin   SYP 6855    SYPH    P08247  Experiment  10595912    NA
Human   Endometrium UBERON_0001295  Normal  Normal cell Trophoblast cell    CL_0000351  CEACAM1 CEACAM1 634 CEAM1   P13688  Experiment  10751340    NA
Human   Germ    UBERON_0000923  Normal  Normal cell Primordial germ cell    CL_0000670  VASA    DDX4    54514   DDX4    Q9NQI0  Experiment  10920202    NA
Human   Corneal epithelium  UBERON_0001772  Normal  Normal cell Epithelial cell CL_0000066  KLF6    KLF6    1316    KLF6    Q99612  Experiment  12407152    NA
Human   Placenta    UBERON_0001987  Normal  Normal cell Cytotrophoblast CL_0000351  FGF10   FGF10   2255    FGF10   O15520  Experiment  15950061    NA
Human   Periosteum  UBERON_0002515  Normal  Normal cell Periosteum-derived progenitor cell  NA  CD166, CD45, CD9, CD90  ALCAM, PTPRC, CD9, THY1 214, 5788, 928, 7070    CD166, PTPRC, CD9, THY1 Q13740, P08575, P21926, P04216  Experiment  15977065    NA
Human   Amniotic membrane   UBERON_0009742  Normal  Normal cell Amnion epithelial cell  CL_0002536  NANOG, OCT3/4   NANOG, POU5F1   79923, 5460 NANOG, PO5F1    Q9H9S0, Q01860  Experiment  16081662    NA
Human   Primitive streak    UBERON_0004341  Normal  Normal cell Primitive streak cell   NA  LHX1, MIXL1 LHX1, MIXL1 3975, 83881 LHX1, MIXL1 P48742, Q9H2W2  Experiment  16258519    NA
andrawaag commented 5 years ago

Wikidata items for Cellmarker paper: Q56984510 Wikidata item for Cellmarker website: Q64371987

andrawaag commented 5 years ago

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