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Jenkins does fails on bot runs #111

Closed andrawaag closed 5 years ago

andrawaag commented 5 years ago

Since bot #22 of GeneBot_microbes jenkins does not successfully complete.

Since the issue seems to surface "naturally", i.e. no specific updates I am aware of. I suspected an automatic update issue similar to the pyshex downstream update earlier this month.

The issue persisted. I was able to reproduce the error outside jenkins, running part of the script on the CLI. The error message is a bit more elaborate than within jenkins, yet remains unhelpful in finding sollution on google or stackoverflow.

After installing the first required python library pip install wikidataintegrator the following error message appears

Installing collected packages: six, python-dateutil, oauthlib, simplejson, chardet, urllib3, idna, certifi, requests, jsonasobj, isodate, pyparsing, rdflib, antlr4-python3-runtime, dataclasses, pyjsg, rdflib-jsonld, pyshexc, ShExJSG, sparqlwrapper, sparql-slurper, CFGraph, pyshex, requests-oauthlib, PyJWT, mwoauth, wikidataintegrator
Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/'
Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.

The issue appears to be with pip.

andrawaag commented 5 years ago

I was able to reproduce the issue outside jenkins and the system jenkins runs on. This bug has nothing to do with jenkins, but is a wdi pypi issue.

andrawaag commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue was premature. The issue was reproduced due to not using sudo.

andrawaag commented 5 years ago

The issue might have to do with virtualenv Jenkins seems to choke on

New python executable in /home/ec2-user/venv/bin/python36
Not overwriting existing python script /home/ec2-user/venv/bin/python (you must use /home/ec2-user/venv/bin/python36)
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.

Running the bot steps out of jenkins, runs the bot as expected.

echo $WDUSER
echo "0"
virtualenv -p python36 venv
echo "1"
source venv/bin/activate
echo "2"
pip install --upgrade pip
echo "3"
pip install wikidataintegrator

git clone
cd scheduled-bots
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 install

cd ..

cd scheduled-bots/scheduled_bots/geneprotein/

python3 --taxon 243161,microbe
python3 ../logger/ logs

I added echo "1", "2", "3" as markers to identify where the script chokes in jenkins. Only the message "0" is printed suggesting an issue with virtualenv

Started by user Jenkins Admin
Running as SYSTEM
Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/GeneBot_microbes
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
[GeneBot_microbes] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
Finished: FAILURE
andrawaag commented 5 years ago

I tried to move all the tasks to a clean install of Jenkins on an Ubuntu system. This inspired by this blog. The effort failed because it turns out that in /var/lib/jenkins system-specific parameters are stored as well. Since I installed a fresh Jenkins on Ubuntu and is running on an amazon linux instance this effort didn't go well. . I am running Jenkins on a, where I can't instantiate an amazon Linux instance.

stuppie commented 5 years ago

I created a Dockerfile that sets up Jenkins, the required plugins, and example jobs. Here: Maybe this will be of some help ...

andrawaag commented 5 years ago

On March 22nd without any major fixes, Jenkins started running our bots again, successfully. No idea, why it did and also what it caused