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load ortholog relationships from AGR's "strict orthology" project #140

Open andrewsu opened 4 years ago

andrewsu commented 4 years ago

File available here:

Suggested by Judy Blake from MGI/AGR

rwst commented 4 years ago

What about ortholog groups from ?

andrewsu commented 4 years ago

OMA is currently licensed under CC-BY-SA so we would not be able to load to Wikidata without asking them to relicense.

Also, since the AGR is a consortium of many of the most popular model organisms, I think they would be the most trustworthy source for ortholog data on that subset of organisms.

rwst commented 4 years ago

Is there any variation in the definition of ortholog? The sets from both projects should not contradict in my opinion. But the license issue matters so I'm glad there is a source we can use. I have already criticized the ortholog property (P684) here: