SuLab / WikiGenomesBase

A configurable codebase for launching organism specific WikiGenomes spinoff applications (e.g. This is a web application framework for creating a model organism database leveraging the taxonomic, genetic and functional data that has been loaded to by the Gene Wiki Project.
MIT License
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oauth authentication not working #44

Closed andrewsu closed 6 years ago

andrewsu commented 6 years ago

No response to clicking "Authorize to edit" button in the upper right. Error message from console:


djow2019 commented 6 years ago

I think the oauth token was overwritten back to empty the last time we pulled from the repo

andrewsu commented 6 years ago

@putmantime I think Derek can help debug this one, but I'm not finding a link to a page that describes wikidata's oauth tutorial. Can you send a pointer please?

djow2019 commented 6 years ago

We need to configure the callbackURL to use a domain name. The application we use is the wikigenomes one which only allows callback urls.

djow2019 commented 6 years ago

updated the consumer key and secret to use application. Currently in proposed status, but the callbackurl is working now and at least redirects you to the login screen. Only the developer has access to login right now, but will work like magic once its accepted

djow2019 commented 6 years ago

Gonna bump @putmantime
Consumer Key: c38063969dd943af4b468be0718b4514 More information:

djow2019 commented 6 years ago

After @putmantime contacted Epoch Fail on his wiki page, we got the chlambase application approved and now oauth works for all users.