SuLab / WikiGenomesBase

A configurable codebase for launching organism specific WikiGenomes spinoff applications (e.g. This is a web application framework for creating a model organism database leveraging the taxonomic, genetic and functional data that has been loaded to by the Gene Wiki Project.
MIT License
7 stars 4 forks source link
annotation-tool bioinformatics database genetics genomics molecular-biology proteomics research website wikidata

Genomic data portal to built specifically for the chlamydial research community, a fork of, is an open source and user-curated database of functional annotations for 3 model Chlamydia species: C. trachomatis 434/BU ( LGV L2 ), C. trachomatis D/UW-3/CX, and C. muridarum Nigg. A primary goal of this portal is to provide a powerful user-oriented experience tailored to the research interests of the Chlamydia research community, and to the unique biology of Chlamydia.

A central feature of ChlamBase is to allow users to view, add, and edit: evidence-based gene annotations engineered mutant strains orthologous gene comparisons developmental gene expression *host interaction targets

Instructions to create a model organism database for the microbes of your choice, go to the wikigenomes_base repository and follow the build instructions.

Developer Notes

When cloning repo for first time:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Manually do pip install celery==4.0.0 afterwards (because it doesn't install properly in the requirements.txt file)
Copy secret_settings template and fill accordingly
Run server with python runserver

Need to install grunt in order to rebuild code
Install NPM
npm install grunt-cli -g
From chlambase directory, npm install
Then, do "grunt minify" to minify and rebuild classes

Also need to run ./setup in the JBROWSE directory
(Does not work on windows)
Need celery task manager: celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info