I am trying to use OntoGPT in a domain outside of bioinformatics. Presently trying something simple like extracting names of people from a given text.
I have a dumb question.
The values are pre…
When creating the metadata file that will be used in Tourmaline, we probably don't want any of the Bioinformatics terms, as those will be set in the Tourmaline run itself and we don't want it to be co…
When uploading a Tourmaline run to NODE, we want to also provide details on the bioinformatics, and that would be most helpfulif formatted using miwa's terms.
Please could there metadata support for more bioinformatics detail outwith the name of the software, e.g. what version and command line options, what wider bioinformatics protocol was this part of etc…
# [BI] RNA-seq data processing using nf-core pipeline | Keun Hong
Link: nf-core rnaseq pipeline
Thanks for the package, it is amazing!
I wonder if it is possible to include some volcano plots (since it is a very common plot in bioinformatics). I can help with us if u want
Confirmed validation of the Bioinformatics and Contacts sections occurs for the make_sample_sheets() path but not load_sample_sheet() + quiet_validation_and_scrub_sample_sheet() path. This should be c…
Hi @benjjneb
I am using dada2 to perform my 16S V3-V4 bioinformatics. I read you advice using derepFastq to reduce the computational time, it actually works very well. However, I was also said der…