SublimeText / NaturalDocs

NaturalDocs package for SublimeText 2
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NaturalDocs is a Sublime Text 2 package which makes writing NaturalDocs easy. Based on DocBlockr by Nick Fisher, influenced by Germán M. Bravo's SublimeLinter.


Currently supported languages: CoffeeScript, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python and Matlab (only comment decoration).


The easiest way to use this plugin is to put the cursor near what you want to document and press Super+N (or Super+N + Super+N for OSX).

Autocomplete Comments

If you start a comment block (e.g. /*, /**, /*!) and press enter, it will complete the block and put your cursor in the middle. Subsequently, pressing enter inside a block will create a new line continuing the comment block.

/**| -> Enter

Results in

 * |

The above pipe represents the cursor. Pressing Enter again will result in this:

 * |

If you happened to start a block before a function, it would populate the block with the function information.

/** |
function testThis($one, $two) {}

Results in:

 * Function: testThis
 * |description
 * Parameters:
 *   $one - [type/description]
 *   $two - [type/description]
 * Returns:
 *    return description
function testThis($one, $two) {}

Single-line Comments

Additionally, if you start a single-line comment (e.g. // or #), pressing Enter will continue the comment block on the next line. You can press Shift-Enter to just go to a blank line.


You can add decoration blocks by pressing Ctrl-Enter.

Examples in JavaScript:

// this is a pretty item |

Results in:

// this is a pretty item //

Examples in Perl:

# this is a pretty item |

Results in:

# this is a pretty item #

Language Specific Examples

CoffeeScript Examples

Class Examples


class Animal


# Class: Animal
# [Animal description]
class Animal


class Snake extends Animal


# Class: Snake
# [Snake description]
# Extends: Animal
class Snake extends Animal

Function Examples


square = (x) -> x * x


# Function: square
# description
# Parameters:
#   x - [type/description]
# Returns:
#   return description
square = (x) -> x * x


race = (winner, runners...) ->


# Function: race
# description
# Parameters:
#   winner  - [type/description]
#   runners - Splat.
# Returns:
#   return description
race = (winner, runners...) ->


fill = (container, liquid = "coffee") ->


# Function: fill
# description
# Parameters:
#   container - [type/description]
#   liquid    - String. Defaults to "coffee"
# Returns:
#   return description
fill = (container, liquid = "coffee") ->

Java Example


public class MyClass extends BaseClass implements ClassA, ClassB { ... }

Put cursor on or before the line and pressing Super+N will result in:

 * Class: MyClass
 * [MyClass description]
 * Extends: BaseClass
 * Implements: ClassA, ClassB
public class MyClass extends BaseClass implements ClassA, ClassB { ... }


  public MyClass() { ... }

Results in:

   * Constructor: MyClass
   * description
  public MyClass() { ... }


  public Map<String, String> methodOne(Map<String, String> one, List<Map<String, String>> two, char[] three, int four)  { ... }

Results in:

   * Method: methodOne
   * description
   * Parameters:
   *   one   - Map<String,String>
   *   two   - List<Map<String,String>>
   *   three - char[]
   *   four  - int
   * Returns:
   *   Map<String, String> - return description
  public Map<String, String> methodOne(Map<String, String> one, List<Map<String, String>> two, char[] three, int four) { ... }

JavaScript Example


function testThis($one, $two, $three) {}

Put cursor on or before the line and pressing Super+N will result in:

 * Function: testThis
 * description
 * Parameters:
 *   $one   - [type/description]
 *   $two   - [type/description]
 *   $three - [type/description]
 * Returns:
 *    return description
function testThis($one, $two, $three) {}

Perl Example

Package Code:

package A::B::C;

Put cursor on or before the line and pressing Super+N will result in:

=begin ND

Package: A::B::C

[A::B::C description]

package A::B::C;

Function Code:

sub index { ... }

Results in:

=begin ND

Function: index



   return description

sub index { ... }

PHP Example


class ClassD extends ClassA implements ClassB, ClassC { ... }

Put cursor on or before the line and pressing Super+N will result in:

 * Class: ClassD
 * [ClassD description]
 * Extends: ClassA
 * Implements: ClassB, ClassC
class ClassD extends ClassA implements ClassB, ClassC { ... }


function testThis($one='', $two=true, $three=array()) {}

Results in:

 * Function: testThis
 * description
 * Parameters:
 *   $one   - string
 *   $two   - boolean
 *   $three - array
 * Returns:
 *    return description
function testThis($one='', $two=true, $three=array()) {}

Python Example

Class Code:

class ClassB(ClassA):

Put cursor on or /after/ the line and pressing Super+N will result in:

class ClassB(ClassA):
  Class: ClassB

  [ClassB description]

  Extends: ClassA

Function Code:

def test_test(one, two=12, three=[]):
    return 'yes'

Results in:

def test_test(one, two=12, three='something'):
    Function: test_test



      one   - [type/description]
      two   - integer
      three - string


       return description
    return 'yes'




This setting controls whether to align lines inside documentation blocks based on the previous line.

When using Enter inside a documentation block, NaturalDocs will try to align the start of the next line either (1) after the parameter dash (space-hyphen-space) or (2) at the first actual start of last line. See examples.


   * ...
   * Parameters:
   *   one     - this parameter does something |
   *   twoLong - string

If the current line that contains ' - ', then pressing Enter will insert enough spaces to align the cursor under the description of the previous line. Result:

   * ...
   * Parameters:
   *   one     - this parameter does something
   *             |
   *   twoLong - string

Similarly, if the current line does not contain ' - ', then pressing Enter will insert enough spaces to start the line under the first non-Whitespace character inside the documentation. Starting at:

   * ...
   * Parameters:
   *   one     - this parameter does something
   *             this is another line |
   *   twoLong - string

Results in:

   * ...
   * Parameters:
   *   one     - this parameter does something
   *             this is another line
   *             |
   *   twoLong - string

If this setting is enabled, and there are no snippet fields available in the documentation block, you can also use Tab to insert as many spaces as necessary to put the cursor below the description of the previous line.

   * ...
   * Parameters:
   *   one   - this parameter does something
   * |

Pressing Tab results in:

   * ...
   * Parameters:
   *   one   - this parameter does something
   *           |


If this setting is set to True, then pressing Enter on a line with a double-slash or number-sign comment will place that comment punctuation at the beginning of the next line.


// hello |

Translates to

// hello
// |


The number of spaces to insert after the comment punctuation. Example if set to one:

 * Function: <functionName>

Example if set to five:

 *     Function: <functionName>

Defaults to one.


If set to true will added extra lines between sections in docblock. For example:

 * Function: <functionName>
 * [description]
 * Parameters:
 *    foo - [description]
 *    bar - [description]
 * Returns:
 *    [description]

If set to false will make the docblock more compact. Example:

 * Function: <functionName>
 * [description]
 * Parameters:
 *    foo - [description]
 *    bar - [description]
 * Returns:
 *    [description]


If set to true will use POD-style comments instead of using Perl number-sign comments. Example:

=begin ND

Function: <functionName>



   foo - [description]
   bar - [description]




If set to false, the normal comment tag will be used. Example:

# Function: <functionName>
# [description]
# Parameters:
#    foo - [description]
#    bar - [description]
#  Returns:
#    [description]


This setting maps the current syntax source to a NaturalDocs parser. To determine the name of a source file press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P, and the scope tree will appear in the status line. NaturalDocs parses that string to find "source.(\w+)" and uses the part in parentheses to put in the map.

Additionally, there is a fallback placeholder in the map that is "_". This is a way to get NaturalDocs to default to a particular parser if either (1) the source language of the current file cannot be determined or (2) there is no other mapping for the source language. Example: if you like the way the Python NaturalDocs parser works and want to use that in all languages.



May 14, 2013

December 7, 2012

July 9, 2012

June 29, 2012

June 11, 2012

May 15, 2012

April 11, 2012

April 9, 2012

March 21, 2012