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Menu background color #159

Open Vlumak opened 2 years ago

Vlumak commented 2 years ago

When you push the menu button, the menu appears with the background color of the main screen. I think it should be better white always, as it is in the submenus.

Sublimis commented 2 years ago

Hi, sub-menus follow the system's Light/Dark color theme, and unfortunately we do not know a way to change this. Keep in mind that the dark mode of the app is intended to be used while doing an activity in the dark (e.g. night run or night cycling), so it's bad if a significant part of the screen (such as the main menu) suddenly lighten up and blinds the user. Thanks for the feedback!

Vlumak commented 2 years ago

It's true, but, when you enter the menu, is always to go to a submenu, and, as menu and submenu are all "menus", for me it would look better if the menu had also the system's light/dark color theme. But this is a silly thing of mine, not important. Thank you.