Sublimis / UrbanBiker

Urban Biker issue tracker and Knowledge Base
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Urban Biker

:mortar_board: Translations

:loudspeaker: Issues and feature requests

If you've found an issue with Urban Biker, or think a new feature would be useful, here's how to report.

How to file a bug

  1. Go to our issue tracker on GitHub
  2. Search for existing issues using the search field at the top of the page
  3. File a new issue including the info listed below
  4. Thanks a ton for helping make Urban Biker higher quality!

When filing a new issue, please include:

Requesting a feature

Feel free to file new feature requests as an issue on GitHub.

We will respond as soon as possible, likely within 24 or 48 hours. If we have any further questions, expect a response back.

IMPORTANT: Issues and feature requests here are public. Please write to our e-mail for more private communication: