Subterfuge-Revived / Remake-Unity

User interface for the application made with Unity
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
17 stars 11 forks source link

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Quick note:

This document is in an unfinished state, if you find that something is wrong or missing let us know.

Unity Setup

  1. Install Unity Hub if you don't have it already

  2. Once unity hub is installed, activate a new license (pro or personal is fine).

  3. After getting a license, Install unity version 2019.3.0f6 to be safe. I'm sure updated versions are fine, but this is what I started the project at.

  4. Download Git to gain access to the code

  5. Clone the unity repository to a folder of your choice with git clone

  6. In unity hub click "Import Project" and path yourself to the project folder. Once imported, start the project with unity.

  7. Unity defaults Visual Studios as the primary code editor. Configure Rider (or something else) as your default text editor by going to Edit > Preferences > External Tools and setting External Script Editor to your editor of choice.