SudhagarS / graphql-type-decimal

Decimal scalar type for Graphql to represent currencies
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Decimal scalar type for GraphQL.js primarily for currencies.

Ex: 21.01


This package exports a Decimal scalar GraphQL.js type:

import GraphQLDecimal from 'graphql-type-decimal';

SDL with GraphQL-tools

When using the SDL with GraphQL-tools, define GraphQLDecimal as the resolver for the appropriate scalar type in your schema:

import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
import GraphQLDecimal from 'graphql-type-decimal';

const typeDefs = `
scalar Decimal

type MyType {
  myField: Decimal

# ...

const resolvers = {
  Decimal: GraphQLDecimal,

export default makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });


This library uses bignumber.js


This repository is inspired by graphql-type-datetime